Health and Fitness

Vegan Chocolate- The New Love Of Chocolate Lovers

Vegan Chocolate- The New Love Of Chocolate Lovers

“Chocolate Is The Answer, Who Cares What The Question Is” Well, health conscious and those on diet cares about it because eating one chocolate bar can raise enough calories (545.6 kcal in 100g). So, be wary about these delicious treats especially on Chocolate day when you may get loads of chocolate goodies from your loved ones.

Don’t let them spoil your health goals and if you can’t hold the temptation for long we have a better alternative, go for vegan chocolate instead.

Yes, you heard it right chocolates can be vegan as well and can be the new addiction for chocolate lover. Reason?  It’s healthy, creamy, and delicious.

Vegan Vs Non-Vegan Chocolate 

Processing Differs

cocoa powder

via: pinterest

Cacao is very nutritious as it has memory-boosting minerals, antioxidants, protein, and fiber. But most of these nutrients are washed away when the beans are roasted at high-temperature. Regular chocolates are made using this method whereas vegan chocolate is made through cold-processing method preserving all the nutrients.

Also Read: Chocolate Fondue: A Perfect Love Delight For Valentine

Type Of Sugar Differs

coconut sugar

via: verywellfit

Have you ever read the label on chocolate bars? There’s no mention of type of sugar used, maybe it doesn’t matter. Wrong! It does matter a lot, especially for diabetic patients and weight-conscious people. Opting for the wrong chocolate bar can increase their glucose and calories level. Vegan bars are a good alternative for such people as it contains coconut sugar.

Although, cane sugar which is commonly used is also healthier, its GI index is however higher than that of coconut sugar. Therefore, latter is a healthiest alternative in terms of GI index, calories, sodium, and fat content.

No Dairy Products

dairy free chocolate

via: addictedtodates

Milk gives the creamy texture and flavor to the chocolates but vegan means no animal products thus vegan chocolates have bitter taste and less creamy flavor. Well, bitter is better because not everyone can digest milk.

Many vegan chocolate brands are thus switching to dairy alternatives to give the familiar texture and flavor to their buyers. Alternative like coconut milk is good option because it doubles the nutritional value and contains most of the crucial vitamins and minerals. Some also uses rice milk as an alternative so that those suffering from gastrointestinal issues or having allergies from milk can also enjoy chocolates.

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7 Vegan Chocolate Brands To Try This Chocolate Day

However, it can be little hard to ditch famous chocolate brands like Cadbury, Dairy Milk, Kit Kat, and Snickers as they rule our hearts and Indian market too. But, few vegan chocolate brands have succeeded in making space. Here are the top brands we’ve curated for you.

vegan chocolate brands

via: veganfirst

  1. Earth Loaf- Organic and available in local flavors
  2. Pascati- Dark Chocolate In Fruity Flavors
  3. Mason & Co- Popular for Unusual flavors like chili and cinnamon
  4. Indah- All about chocolate right from the bars to chips
  5. Daarzel- Zero Milk Products Only
  6. Jus Trufs- 99% Dark & Sugar-free
  7. Pacari- Best for chocolate lovers

Explore the different flavors, pick your favorite one, gift them to your lovers. After all, it’s chocolate day but don’t forget the health.



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