Health and Fitness

Swimmer Shoulder : Causes , Symptoms , Treatment And Prevention

swimmer shoulder

Swimmer’s shoulder results from repetitive use of the joint, which leads to irritation, inflammation, tears, and scarring. Symptoms include pain and limited range of motion. Conservative treatments include steroid injections and physical therapy.

What is a swimmer’s shoulder?

A physio in Highett explains swimmer's shoulder - Highett Physio

Tendons, which are tissues that connect muscles to bones, are involved in the swimmer’s shoulder. Inflammation and swelling of the shoulder tendons press on nearby bones, muscles, or other tendons. Swimmer’s shoulder is also known as subacromial impingement, painful arc, or shoulder impingement.

What causes a swimmer’s shoulder?

Chiropractic Care for Swimmer's Shoulder - Chiropractic Care Today

Tendon and muscle tissue become irritated when the shoulder joint is repeatedly stressed. The formation of tiny tears results in inflammation and scar tissue. The joint can’t move smoothly because of this damage. It can result in labral or rotator cuff tears if left untreated.

What are the symptoms of swimmer’s shoulder?

How to Prevent Shoulder Injuries While Swimming - YouTube

Its symptoms include:

  • Muscle weakness or fatigue.
  • Reduced range of motion.
  • Shoulder instability.
  • Shoulder pain.

How is the swimmer’s shoulder treated?

Why are shoulder injuries common in swimmers? | OrthoIndy Blog

Conservative treatments — treatments without surgery — usually relieve that and help inflamed tendons heal. Your healthcare provider may recommend rest, ice, heat or pain medication. Other treatments include

  • Ergonomic adjustments: Your shoulder can benefit from moving less frequently. Make an effort to alter your working or home environment. For instance, to avoid having to reach overhead, move items that you frequently require to lower shelves.
  • Steroid injections: Your shoulder can benefit from moving less frequently. Make an effort to alter your working or home environment. For instance, to avoid having to reach overhead, move items that you frequently require to lower shelves.
  • Physical therapy: Your shoulder can heal with stretching, strength training, and joint stabilization exercises. Strategies for avoiding future injuries can be provided by a physical or sports therapist.

Will it need surgery?

What is swimmer's shoulder? Find out why swimmers get shoulder issues & what they are caused by? | Swimmer's Daily

The majority of swimmer’s shoulder sufferers do not require surgery. However, if conservative treatment for shoulder pain does not help, surgery may be an option. Subacromial decompression is a procedure that can be carried out by a surgeon. It gets rid of bone spurs and inflamed tissue in the shoulder.

How It Can be prevented?

What is Swimmer's Shoulder? (And How to Fix It) - MySwimPro

You can reduce your risk of developing swimmer’s shoulder by:

  • Avoiding repeated stress on the shoulder whenever possible.
  • Practicing proper body mechanics when exercising or working.
  • Resting when your shoulder joint feels tired or overused.
  • Stretching and warming up before swimming or other sports.
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