
10 Life-Changing Quotes By Lord Krishna To Swear By

10 Life-Changing Quotes By Lord Krishna To Swear By

Krishna Janmashtami is not just the birth celebration of Kanha who is the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is the day to swear by his life-changing teachings that are still relevant in this world. His words of wisdom are the guiding light in the world full of darkness for every generation to come. Lord Krishna quotes are solutions to every problem whether it’s related to work, love, or just our thoughts.

On this auspicious occasion, we are highlighting all those inspirational, motivational, and life-changing lessons.

10 Best Lord Krishna Quotes On Love And Life

Golden Lines On Actions And Rewards 

We all worry about results more than the actions, and at the end we suffer. Krishna says don’t focus much on rewards. And if you are scared that you will not get desired results, these golden advice by him will change your mind.

lord krishna quotes


krishna quotes

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Life-Changing Lessons from Krishna

The worldly desires force one’s to imitate others but never lose your uniqueness says, Krishna.

krishna quotes on life

Your Mind Makes You 

If you are fighting a battle with your thoughts and feel that you are losing, these best quotes by krishna will fill you with new energy.

Inspirational Quotes By Lord Krishna

motivational quotes by krishna

Motivational Quotes By Krishna About Happiness

Inspirational Quotes By Lord Krishna

Lord Krishna Quotes On Love

If anyone wants to know what real love is, ask the Son of Vasudev. Krishna has perfect definition of love.

Life Changing Lessons from Krishna

Life Changing Lessons from Krishna

Also Read: 7 Life Lessons To be Learnt From ‘Arjuna’ in ‘Mahabharata’

The Road To Self-Destruction 

Some people are their own enemy and they don’t even realize it because they are trapped in anger, greed, and lust. Krishna has termed all these three as the gates to destruction for which nobody else but that person is solely responsible for.

Inspirational Quotes By Lord KrishnaAll these inspirational quotes by Lord Krishna will open your mind and help you take right decision in life. So, whenever you feel demotivated or any problem seems bigger than life; these golden lines will help you tackle all the problems. These words are never going to be fade away as long as the mankind is alive.

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