Health and Fitness

A Complete DIY Dandruff Treatment Guide For Clean And Clear Scalp

A Complete DIY Dandruff Treatment Guide For Clean And Clear Scalp

Dandruff is one scary nightmare that nobody wants to experience but this scalp condition can happen any time of the year. And it’s not just about that white flaky stuff on the scalp, itching, greasiness, and hair damage come as its side effects. Unfortunately, few suffer natural conditions like eczema or seborrheic dermatitis that cause dandruff while others just don’t know how to take good care of the tresses. DIY Dandruff treatment is the all-in-one solution to this problem.

You can either try over-the-counter products but at last home remedies will give you the satisfactory result that is strong, shiny, and dandruff-free hair. Are you ready for it? We have the simple, most effective, and all-natural ways to get rid of dandruff’; all at once!

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff Naturally?

1. Coconut Oil + Lemon

diy dandruff treatment


One of the causes of dandruff is the increased growth of fungus named Malassezia that prevents the renewal of scalp cell. As a result, the white flakes start forming. This type of fungus feeds on the natural oil of your scalp.

Coconut oil can prevent the growth of Malassezia as found in the test tube study. It is highly effective in atopic dermatitis which causes itching and redness on the scalp, especially in children. Coconut also nourishes skin, improves its hydration, and along with lemon, it works for sure in treating dandruff.

Also Read: 4 Easy And Effective Ways To Use Onion For Treating Dandruff!

How to use: Heat coconut oil (2 tbsp) in a pan and add an equal amount of lemon juice. Cool down the oil and massage with the same. After 20 minutes, wash off the hair with a mild shampoo.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

diy dandruff treatment


Apple cider vinegar is the top DIY dandruff treatment. It does so much for the hair from making them naturally healthy to eliminating the fungus from the scalp. However, one should not use it directly on the skin as it can cause side effects.

How to use- Apply a mix of vinegar diluted in an equal part of water on wet hair. Massage for a while and rinse off after 15 minutes. You can also mix it with essential oils and use it as a hair spray.

3. Baking Soda

diy dandruff treatment


Sodium bicarbonate is one of the best and naturally exfoliates for dead skin cells removal. It works better both on skin and hair but if you are allergic or have sensitive skin, switch to the next DIY dandruff treatment. Baking soda may cause redness and irritation in some.

Those who are comfortable with it can apply a few teaspoons directly onto the wet hair. Don’t wait longer than a minute and wash with shampoo. It will stop fungus growth, treat psoriasis, dandruff, and even balance pH levels.

Note: Baking soda can cause dryness so do not overdo it with this natural dandruff treatment.

4. Use Aspirin

how to get rid of dandruff naturally


Almost all anti-dandruff products contain salicylic acid but you don’t need to invest in them. Buy 2 aspirin tablets, crush them to make a fine powder, and mix it in regular shampoo. Washing hair with this homemade dandruff treatment will reduce itching, inflammation, excess oil formation, and more.

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5. Tea Tree oil

diy dandruff treatment


Tea tree oil is a proven remedy for dandruff for ages. Even experts have appreciated its effectiveness in their study. They have found that tea tree oil controls the growth of the bacteria population on the scalp.

How to use- Dilute a few drops of tea tree oil with any essential oil or coconut oil. Massage with the mixture and wash later.

These remedies for dandruff will take time to work and to get rid of dandruff completely one must give proper nourishment to hair as well. Here are a few more things to follow

Also Read: 4 Ways To Take Care Of Your Sensitive Thin Hair

  • Eat probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc-rich food, egg yolks, and nuts to provide all that your hair needs.
  • Always choose the right shampoo,
  • Wash hair thrice a week,
  • Avoid stress
  • Do not use anyone else’s comb
  • Cover your hair whenever you step outside

Dandruff will go away permanently if you ensure it gets what it needs.

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