Health and Fitness

Seeking Validation From Others All Time ? 5 Ways To Stop and Take Control Of Your Life

seeking validation

All of us are guilty of constantly posting every update about our lives on social media. Have you wondered why we indulge in this behavior? The answer is actually quite simple- we like the appreciation we receive from others. It not only boosts our confidence but also satisfies our ego.

Let’s be honest, we all like a little validation from people around us. It isn’t all that harmful and can also be healthy in certain situations. The problem, however, arises when we start depending on others for making decisions about our lives.

Here are five ways you can fix the need to seek validation

We need to understand the difference between what is healthy and unhealthy. We can’t eliminate the desire to be appreciated by those around us but we can ensure we don’t depend on it entirely. You can do so in these five ways:

1. Trust yourself

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At the point when you are in uncertainty, simply recall the brilliant rule which is – consistently consider your concern something your companion has thought of. Now, consider the guidance you would have provided to them. The same applies to you. It will support your certainty and will assist you with creating trust in yourself.

2. Stop comparing yourself with others

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We need to stop comparing ourselves with others because not everyone is a great decision-maker. There is nobody who is flawless. People learn from their mistakes and that’s why you should feel free to commit some and seek validation.

3. Be aware of your actionsSelf Love Illustration Images - Free Download on Freepik

Each activity has a response. Assess the upsides and downsides of the choice you are wanting to make. This will also help you make better decisions, and you might not need to ask anyone for validation.

4. Practice self-love

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Having confidence in yourself and tolerating your defects is the most ideal way to chip away at yourself. You need to improve your skills, but you don’t have to be hard on yourself if you take more time than you planned.

5. Don’t measure yourself on the basis of social media likes

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A bubble is like social media. People will only share the best parts of their lives with you, and seek validation but they will never share the bad parts. So, have fun with it, but don’t let it get to you.

It’s not a bad idea to ask for help, but you shouldn’t ever have to rely on other people to make decisions for you.

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