Health and Fitness

If you Want to Eliminate Rice from your Diet, Try These Healthy Alternatives instead


If you Want to Eliminate Rice from your Diet: Rice is the favorite grain of many people. Many people’s meals are not complete without eating them. However, eating it in excess can have adverse health effects. In such a situation, it is important to replace it with some healthy alternatives. If you are also fond of eating rice and are looking for a healthy alternative, then replace it with these alternatives.

Rice substitutes included on your Diet

Rice is an important part of the Indian diet, without which many people’s meals remain incomplete. Many people like rice so much that they include it in their food in the morning and evening. However, excess of anything is harmful to health. It is the same with rice also.

Consuming it in excess can cause many problems. In such a situation, you should replace it with a healthy option. If you are also fond of eating rice, then you can replace it with these options.

1- Quinoa

You can replace rice with gluten-free quinoa. It contains much more fiber and protein than rice. In such a situation, it will prove to be a healthy and gluten-free alternative to rice.

2- Corn flour

If you are looking for a good replacement for rice, cornmeal would be a great option. Eating it provides many health benefits. A good amount of fiber is found in cornmeal, which improves eye health. Apart from this, eating cornmeal regularly also helps in maintaining healthy digestion.

3- Couscous

Couscous, rich in antioxidants, is also a great alternative to rice. Being sugar and fat-free, it helps in repairing damaged cells of the body. Besides, eating it also increases immunity.

4- Red rice

Red rice contains antioxidants, which are commonly found in red fruits and vegetables. By including it in your diet, you can prevent allergies and also control your weight.

5- Brown rice

Generally, white rice is not considered very good for diabetic patients. In such a situation, if you are a victim of diabetes then you can take brown rice instead of white rice.

6- Barley

You can also include barley in your diet instead of rice. It is similar to oats and is considered very beneficial for health.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, always consult your doctor.

Also Read: Eat Chapati or rice, know which is better for your health

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