Health and Fitness

Eat Chapati or rice, know which is better for your health

Chapati or Rice

Eat Chapati or rice: In today’s unhealthy lifestyle, it is very important to take care of your health. In such a situation, the question often arises whether to eat or not to eat. There is similar confusion regarding Chapati and rice. You too must have wondered many times whether we are making a mistake by eating too much rice or whether eating only roti daily is good for health or not. Let’s find out.

Chapati or rice

In today’s lifestyle, people have become more conscious about health than before. In such a situation, there is often debate about some foods. One of these issues is whether to eat Chapati or rice, which is better for health. If you also want to know the answer to this question, then you can stay in this article. Here we are going to tell you in detail about both things, after which all your confusion will be cleared. Let’s find out.

What is best for health?

Do you know that whether it is Chapati or rice, the number of calories in both is the same? At the same time, if it comes to controlling diabetes or weight, then it becomes important to pay attention to how many calories you are consuming daily. In such a situation, you should know about this. Apart from this, a myth is also quite famous that eating carbs leads to weight gain.

Chapati or Rice

Let us tell you that this does not happen. It has not been proved anywhere yet that carbs can cause obesity

At the same time, if it comes to boosting the energy level in the body, then some studies believe that carbs are helpful in this. It also works to digest body fat. In such a situation, the amount of complex carbs in your daily diet should be at least 50 percent. Whatever food you like, you can make it a part of your diet.

Does eating rice fill your stomach quickly?

Rice contains a good amount of starch. Our digestive system does not have to work very hard to digest it, but yes, eating it fills the stomach quickly because it contains more carbs than Chapati. At the same time, eating Chapati keeps you full for a long time, the reason behind this is that it contains more minerals like phosphorus and potassium as compared to rice.

How much Chapati or rice is right to eat in a day?

Well, it is difficult to say any fixed number for this. Since there is not much difference in the nutritional value of both, you can divide it between lunch and dinner as per your schedule. To know its correct quantity, it is important to pay attention to your daily routine, that is, how many physical activities you do throughout the day.

However, if you want weight loss, then keep in mind that it is not right to take more than 200 grams of carbs in a day. Apart from this, if you are a diabetic patient, then Chapati can be the best option for you because eating it does not increase your blood glucose level immediately, the reason behind this is the complex carbohydrates found in it.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, always consult your doctor.

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