
How To Sleep During Pregnancy? Tips And Tricks For To-Be Moms

How To Sleep During Pregnancy? Tips And Tricks For To-Be Moms

Pregnancy comes with lots of challenges, not to mention sleep is biggest of all because of the baby bump. As soon you reach the third trimester, the trouble is amplified. All you can do is twist and turn on the bed thinking about how to sleep during pregnancy. Back pain, frequent urination, constipation add more discomfort which is unavoidable and very common during this time.

Does it mean that to-be moms should suffer all this and not get complete rest at any hour? NO! They need enough sleep otherwise there will be complications. Gestational diabetes and High blood pressure are other risks that come with lack of sleep in pregnant women.

Thus, it is essential to have a good sleep and there are ways to improve it.

How To Sleep Better When Pregnant?

1. Don’t Sleep With Stress

how to sleep when pregnant


Stress and anxiety would be common during this time due to hormonal changes but if you experience lots of stress, sleep would get affected. There are different ways to relieve stress during pregnancy like:

  • Engaging in a positive talk with loved ones
  • Focus on breathing and meditation
  • Stretching your body will also relieve stress and relax your muscles
  • A cup of peppermint tea also works better during this time
  • Avoid watching negative news, ignore toxic people, and negative responses

If nothing works, schedule an appointment with the doctor. They will help you deal with stress in such a crucial phase.

Also Read: Is Anushka’s Headstand Asana Worthy During Pregnancy?

2. Sleep With Pillows

sleep during pregnancy


You would need more than one pillow after 20 weeks of pregnancy. This is because of the big baby bump. Doctors will suggest sleeping only on the left side to supply enough oxygen and blood to the baby and your organs.

This will cause inconvenience and discomfort. So, put pillows under your belly and knee to sleep comfortably in one position during the whole night. You can also buy things to help you sleep during pregnancy like a maternity pillow.

3. Drink Less Before Hitting The Sack

sleep during pregnancy


Pregnant women will experience a surge in their water intake because of the baby’s development. It supports fetal kidney functioning and maintains a safe level of amniotic fluid. Water also improves digestion and circulates necessary nutrients to the organs.

But too much won’t help you during the night and make you rush to the bathroom. So, take only a few sips. This is only when you are going to the bed.

Also Read: 10 Scientifically Proven Tips for Better Sleep at Night

4. Take Naps During Daytime

how to sleep during pregnancy


Don’t limit yourself with nighttime for taking rest, take naps during day time as well whenever possible. A 20-30 minutes nap will reduce fatigue and make you feel refreshed. But, avoid sleeping for long in the daytime as they will leave you tired.

5. Avoid Eating Spicy Foods

sleep during pregnancy


Spicy foods won’t although worsen the condition during pregnancy but during trimester they may cause a bit of heartburn. Nausea, gas, bloating, indigestion is other side-effects of eating too spicy which is neither good for you nor baby.

These will affect your sleep as well so avoid it at any cost.

[Not necessarily recommended but advisable for those who are not used to it]

6. Be Cool

how to sleep during pregnancy


Pregnancy will change your body temperature too which again causes discomfort during the night. Turn off the lights and open the windows or turn on the fan/ac to make the environment cool. This will help you shut your eyes quickly.

7. Don’t Force It

how to sleep better when pregnant


If you can’t sleep naturally, do not try tips and tricks to fall asleep as soon as you hit the bed. Meanwhile, do something or go for a brisk walk. Relax with breathing techniques and gradually you will feel drowsy.

Hope these sleep tips help you during pregnancy!

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