Health and Fitness

Improve Your Breathing With Parighasana Or Gate Pose, Here Are The Full Steps

Gate Pose or Parighasana is an asana for your side body and helps in improving your breathing. The intercostal muscles of the ribs are affected due to cough and sneezing as they get tight. As a result, you face breathing issues.

Parighasana is a perfect asana to treat respiratory problems. So, all those who have allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues should do this pose. Furthermore, gate pose improves digestion and nourishes other organs of your circulatory system.

Step By Step Instructions For Gate Pose

gate pose


Follow these steps to perform parighasana

Step1- Kneel down on the floor with back straight. Now, take out your right leg to the right side. The right heel should be pressed down the floor. In case, your body is stiff and you cannot stretch the right heel much then use a block. Your right heel and knee should be in line.

Step2- Now stretch your arms and lean in the right direction. Put your right hand on the right leg, either on the knee or thighs depending upon your flexibility.

Step3- Lift your left arm up and bend on the right side, feel the stretch on the left side. Bend as much as you can so that your right-hand reaches to the foot. Breathe in and breathe out.

Step4- While breathing come back to the previous pose, arms stretched and then hands on the hips. Bring the right knee back.

Step5- Do the same to the left side with the left leg.

Caution With Gate Pose

If you have knee injury then gate pose will be difficult for you as you won’t be able to bend. But, you can still perform gate pose by sitting on a chair so that less pressure will be created on the knee.

Gate pose or parighasana is beneficial for opening your shoulders and stretching your side body. Furthermore, it also stretches your torso and spine.

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