Health and Fitness

5 Simple Remedies To Prevent Bad Breath And Freshen Up Your Mouth

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath | Home Remedies For Bad Breath

All is good if your breath smells well and if it smells like a rotten egg even after brushing, embarrassment will step in. Nobody would like to talk to you or stand next to you. A mouth freshener or mouthwash can save you from this for a while, but how long? Maybe for a minute or hour, you need an effective solution instead. Here we will tell you how to get rid of bad breath using simple home remedies.

And if you want a permanent solution, scroll till the end.

What Causes Bad Odor In Mouth?

how to get rid of bad breath


We often blame garlic and onion for making us smell bad, but the real issue is poor dental hygiene. If you have cavities or gum diseases, then bad bacteria will fill this gap and pollute your mouth’s environment.

On the other hand, the use of tobacco products also harms your image and your mouth’s health. It extracts all the moisture causing dryness which is another cause of bad breath.

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5 Home Remedies To Fight Bad Breath

1. Chew Parsley

home remedies for bad breath


Parsley is a natural mouth freshener that has antibacterial compounds like chlorophyll. This masks the bad odor caused by eating certain foods like garlic, onion, etc. So, always chew a few fresh leaves of parsley after having a meal. You can also take parsley supplements.

2. Eat Fennel Seeds ( Saunf)

home remedies for bad breath


One of the best bets to get rid of bad breath is fennel seeds. They flush out the odor-causing bacteria from your mouth and make it smell pleasant. Eating fennel seeds regularly improve saliva production as well which keeps your mouth fresh.

You can directly eat a teaspoon of seeds after every meal or make fennel tea by boiling the seeds in hot water. Drink it daily for best results.

Also Read: 4 Mind-Blowing Benefits Of Fennel Seeds (Saunf)

3. Keep Your Mouth Hydrated

Dry mouth is one of the causes of bad breath so ensure that your mouth always stays moist. Water is the ultimate remedy for this but you can also chew sugarless gum to keep it moist and fresh.

4. Get Probiotics

As per research, lactobacillus (bacteria) in probiotics reduces the foul smell of mouth by killing odor-causing bacteria. Yougurt is full of this healthy bacterium so eat a cup of plain or nonfat yogurt daily and get rid of bad breath. It also prevents the production of hydrogen sulfide which causes an unpleasant odor.

5. Drink Green Tea

how to get rid of bad breath


Switch your caffeine with green tea if you want fresh and pleasant mouth odor. Its deodorizing and disinfectant properties freshen the whole mouth, kill bad bacteria and leaves healthy mouth behind.

Besides this, green tea also rejuvenates your skin, flushes out toxins, and keeps you energetic. However, the effect of green tea does not last more than 2 hours. So, sip on it slowly to get its benefits throughout the day.

Apart from these home remedies for bad breath, you can also make a mouthwash at home. Add baking soda ( 2 tbsps ) to warm water ( 1 cup) and rinse off your mouth with this solution daily for 30 seconds.

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Permanently?

how to get rid of bad breath


Home remedies work for a limited time and doesn’t have permanent effect. In other words, after a few hours, your mouth can smell bad as soon you eat anything. To get rid of this problem, try these permanent solutions:

  • Brush or floss your tongue twice a day after brushing your teeth
  • Stop smoking as it damage your gums, make your mouth dry and leave chemical compounds that result into bad breath.
  • Add oil pulling in your oral practice as it not only eliminates sulfur compounds from your mouth but also prevents cavities and diseases like gingivitis.
  • Take care of your gums
  • If you wear denture, make sure they gets clean properly as the trapped foods in the denture can cause bad breath.
  • Visit dentist twice a year
  • Replace your toothbrush after every 3 months

Bad breath is very common oral problem but its solution is as common as it is. Along with remedies mentioned above, good dental hygiene and lifestyle also help you get rid of this oral issue. However, in few cases gum diseases can leave a ground for odor-causing bacteria.

In this case, only a periodontist can help you.

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