Health and Fitness

Want To Become Emotionally Mature? Check Out These Essential Steps.

emotionally mature

There are a few ways to become more emotionally mature, including setting boundaries and comprehending the perspective of others.

Priority must be given to ourselves. A life hack is an ability to deal with ups and downs in one’s emotions and express them in a healthy way. Aging requires mastery of the skill of maintaining a healthy emotional equilibrium. Our relationships and experiences of life are greatly influenced by our emotional well-being.

“With intentional practice, we can develop emotional maturity at any age,” read an excerpt from Psychologist Nicole LePera’s post as she listed steps to becoming more emotionally mature. Check out the steps here.

10 Signs and Examples of Emotional Maturity - Happier Human

Step 1: Be present.

If you’re asleep at the wheel, you can’t choose better responses to your most important moments. You need to awaken and turn out to be completely cognizant and present to what’s going on both inside and around you. You will quickly fall back into old, ingrained, negative responses if you are not alert and aware. Being present makes it difficult to respond.

You can begin to regain control by being present. Are you aware that this is the only time you have? When could you at any point be cheerful (or hopeless)? When can you feel secure? When will you be able to choose? Everything takes place right now, not in the future or the past. Change and emotional maturity begin with being in the present.

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Step 2: Embrace Reality.

“What is” or “the way things are” is reality. It exists autonomously of your perspectives about it. Accept it and find tranquility. It will hurt and frustrate you if you resist it.

Some of your realities (such as your career and spouse) were chosen by you, while others were imposed upon you by your heritage (such as your height and age) or other external factors. Nonetheless, they establish the boundaries or parameters within which you live and make decisions on a daily basis.

Denying, avoiding, complaining, or refusing to think about uncomfortable realities gives those very things incredible power over your life.

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Step 3: Exercise Responsibility.

Obligation has to do with the options you make about how to think, feel and act in the real world.

Regardless of what happens to you, your ability to make good decisions—choices that are in your long-term and best interest—is critical to the quality of your life. The things you experience and the outcomes of your life are influenced rather than determined by other people, events, and circumstances. A brief moment occurs between an event and your response.

So again, think about your key moment. What choices did you make? What were the consequences?

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Step 4: Clarify Your Vision.

What exactly do you want? What is your top priority? When you are in a crucial situation, having a clear vision motivates you to make good decisions. It’s simple to act out negative feelings or take the easiest route.

But if you’ve given some thought to what you want, if you have a clear idea of what you want for yourself and others, it’s easier to put off getting what you want right away and have the discipline to make a good choice that makes you stronger. You can be guided by something other than whim and circumstance with a clear vision.

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Step 5: Act from Integrity.

This is where the rubber meets the road. No excuses. No whining. Acting from integrity is bringing what you say and do into alignment with what you really want. It is acting consistently with your higher vision.

It is living by commitment rather than ease, discipline rather than convenience. Acting from integrity requires that you give up short-term payoffs (immediate gratification, escape, avoidance, self-indulgence, revenge, etc.) for something that is bigger or more fulfilling in the long run.

It doesn’t matter who you are or how mature or immature you are today, you can become less reactive and more emotionally mature as you learn the principles and skills to do so.

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