
Personality Satisfaction Related Throughout Adult Lifespan: Study

personality satisfaction

Happiness in one’s life is directly correlated with improved mental and physical health. Consequently, it is desirable to encourage life satisfaction.


It is helpful to identify significant predictors of life satisfaction in order to make this process easier. Despite the fact that previous studies have shown that personality is a reliable indicator of life satisfaction, personality is difficult to change.

As per research distributed by the American Mental Affiliation, certain character attributes are related to life fulfillment, and that affiliation stays stable paying little mind to progress in years, notwithstanding changes in friendly jobs and obligations that individuals might insight all through their grown-up lives.

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According To Study:

Numerous studies have shown that certain personality types lead more fulfilled lives than others. However, it has not been thoroughly examined whether this holds true throughout life. For instance, extraverted – that is amiable, garrulous – individuals may be especially cheerful in youthful adulthood when they ordinarily are shaping new friendly connections,” said concentrate on co-creator Gabriel Olaru, Ph.D., an associate teacher at Tilburg College.

” As a result, we wanted to see if certain personality traits have a greater or lesser impact on life, social, and work satisfaction during particular life stages.

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In the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the study was published.

The Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences (LISS) panel survey, a nationally representative survey of Dutch households, collected data from 2008 to 2019 to examine how the relationship between personality traits and life satisfaction changes over time.

Over the course of 11 years, 9,110 Dutch participants, who were between the ages of 16 and 95 at the time of the initial survey, completed a variety of questionnaires to evaluate their Big Five personality traits—openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability/neuroticism—as well as their level of contentment with their social connections and life as a whole.

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Only the 5,928 people who were working at the time of the survey were asked about how satisfied they were with their work lives.

Emotional stability was found to be the trait most strongly associated with people’s satisfaction with their life, social connections, and career, according to the findings of the researchers. The majority of the relationships between personality traits and satisfaction remained the same throughout the adult lifespan.

“That’s what our discoveries show – notwithstanding contrasts in life difficulties and social jobs – character qualities are significant for our fulfillment with life, work, and social contacts across the youthful, center, and more established adulthood,” said Manon van Scheppingen, Ph.D.,

The researchers also discovered that a variety of personality traits were associated with people’s levels of contentment with their professional and social lives. These traits included conscientiousness for job satisfaction and extraversion and agreeableness for social contentment. Life, social, and work satisfaction also increased in people who saw an increase in these traits over time.

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More Research On Personality satisfaction

Age differences had the greatest impact on employee satisfaction. The correlation between career satisfaction and emotional stability moderately strengthened with age among the study’s participants.

Even though the overall correlation between openness and life satisfaction is weaker, the researchers found that over the 11 years measured by the LISS survey, people who increased their openness also increased their life satisfaction. The researchers believe that indirect processes could explain this relationship.

According to Olaru, “emotional stability probably shows a strong link with global and domain-specific satisfaction” due to the fact that this quality “colors people’s general view of the world.”

“A genuine illustration of how character collaborates with the climate can be tracked down in the work setting. One of our findings was that the correlation between job satisfaction and emotional stability grows with age.

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Van Scheppingen added, “This may be explained by the fact that emotionally stable individuals are less afraid to quit unsatisfactory jobs and are more likely to apply for jobs that are more challenging and may ultimately be more satisfying and enjoyable.”

According to van Scheppingen, “the research shows that our personalities and our happiness are not set in stone,” even though “we did not examine what caused these changes.” Perhaps we can even influence our transformation: Life, social, and professional satisfaction may also rise if we strive to become more organized, outgoing, and friendly.

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