
Bedtime Drink : Wonderful Benefits Of Drinking Nutmeg Milk at Night and How it Eases Anxiety

If drinking a glass of milk is considered a secret to good night’s sleep, adding a pinch of nutmeg can further enhance these benefits by promoting relaxation, soothing the nerves, and inducing a deeper, more restful slumber.

More popularly known as jaiphal in Indian kitchen, the spice works like magic for your brain and relieves anxiety, while enhancing quality of sleep. The brown spice has a delightful sweet and mild taste and can lend a wonderful taste to your glass of milk.

Several Advantages Of Drinking Nutmeg Milk


Several advantages of drinking nutmeg milk before bedtime improve general health and wellbeing. Using natural therapies to enhance the quality of one’s sleep has been more popular in recent years, and hence, nutmeg milk is one such cure that is becoming more and more popular because of its ability to encourage calmness and sleep.

How Nutmeg Relaxes Your Body And Improves Sleep

  • Nutmeg is rich in bioactive components including myristicin and elemicin in addition to its nutritional profile, it is also seen that significant levels of minerals and vitamins, such as manganese, copper, magnesium, and vitamin B6, are present in it.
  • These nutrients are essential for the production and control of neurotransmitters, which are necessary for sleep-wake cycles.
  • By modifying the action of neurotransmitters in the brain, especially gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors, these substances produce sedative effects.

Eases Anxiety

Buttermilk for quick releif from acidity


Studies have clarified how nutmeg milk enhances the quality of sleep. It has been demonstrated that drinking nutmeg milk before bed raises GABA levels in the brain, which helps people feel more at ease and less anxious. Furthermore, milk’s calming aids in easing the symptoms of insomnia, as per the nutritionist.

Improves Quality Of Sleep

Adding nuts and milk to bedtime routines can be a quick and easy way to improve the quality of your sleep. It is made by simply adding a pinch of grated to warm milk. Drinking this relaxing drink about half an hour before going to bed will help you get a good quality of sleep, making your body calm and relaxed

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