Health and Fitness

10 Foods To Eat During Pregnancy For A Strong And Healthy Baby

10 Foods To Eat During Pregnancy For A Strong And Healthy Baby

What should I eat during pregnancy? A question that comes to every woman’s mind as soon as she gets the good news irrespective of the fact whether its her first pregnancy or not.  And the answer would be not clear as there are several myths around foods to eat during pregnancy.

For instance, some say papayas and oranges can cause miscarriage or spicy food will induce labor early. There are also myths surrounding good foods for baby like full cream milk makes baby’s bones stronger from birth or saffron improves their complexion.

Whether these pregnancy folks are true or not, that is not the concern rather how to choose a right diet plan for pregnant women is an important question. What their body requires during this crucial stage? What to eat for a healthy baby?

We are covering everything to clear all your doubts and give a full list of foods to eat during pregnancy. Let’s begin!

5 Key Nutrients For Pregnant Women

foods to eat during pregnancy


Pregnancy doesn’t change nutrients need of a woman instead it changes the ratio of certain vitamins and minerals that are crucial for growth of a baby. This includes folate and folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin D and protein.

Here are what all these 5 nutrients do to your baby and how much your body needs.

1.Folate- This Vitamin B protects your baby from getting brain and spinal cord issues. It also reduces the chances of premature birth and also improves the weight of a baby. One should take this nutrient at least 400 mg/day right from the conception and increase the intake between 600 and 1000 mg during the pregnancy phase.

2.Calcium- It is a core nutrient for baby’s bone and also supports their nervous system. So, take 1000 miligrams of calcium through food daily

3.Vitamin D- 600 IU per day strengthens bones of fetus and mother. It doesn’t work alone and benefits when your body is getting enough calcium.

4.Iron- To prevent anemia and ensures that your baby is getting enough oxygen via blood, pregnant women must eat 27miligrams of iron each day

5.Protein- Around 71 grams of protein a day helps in the development of baby’s organs and brain.

Making sure that whatever foods you are eating during pregnancy give enough amount of these nutrients is a big task. Of course, it is but you should not simply go by luck or eat anything. We have prepared a list of 10 foods that fulfill this need.

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Healthy And Nutritious Foods To Eat During Pregnancy

foods to eat during pregnancy


1.Lean Meat- Eat 3 servings (75 grams/day) of chicken, turkey, lean beef, or lamb leg with soups, rice, or salad for protein needs

2.Lentils- One cup of cooked french or black lentils to get iron and protein

3.Salmon- Roasted salmon filets with veggies give an additional and important nutrient i.e., DHA omega-3 to metabolize fat-soluble nutrients. It also decreases the risk of pre-natal depression in mothers.

4.Milk or Yogurt- If you are not lactose intolerant, choose yogurt or else milk is sufficient to give your body and baby’s body enough of calcium. You can also add cheese to your diet.

5.Eggs- Just like salmon, eggs also provide you an extra but important nutrient during pregnancy. It is rich in choline that gives same benefits of protein for better development of spine and brain of a fetus. So, eat a whole boil egg or cooked egg.

6.Berries- Pregnant women who have sugar issues should eat berries to keep the sugar level in control. They also fulfill the water need of your body.

7.Broccoli- Adding a half cup of this green vegetable will prevent you from iron deficiency

8.Oats- If you have constipation issues then oats must be in your diet as they not only keep digestive issues at bay but also help in building stronger bones in baby

9.Bananas- Pregnancy can make you dead tired even if you do nothing, bananas will fuel energy into your body and also prevents bloating.

10.Oranges- Your body also need vitamin C in good quantity at this time and oranges can fulfill this in seconds. Any other citrus fruits are also good to deal with morning sickness during pregnancy.

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All these foods to eat during pregnancy serve necessary dose of nutrients to both you and baby, they also prevent the common health issues that a woman face during this time. But make sure your diet doesn’t not revolve around these foods only, consult a dietician for proper personalized diet chart to follow during pregnancy.

Lastly, remember just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you should eat for two.

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