
Anthony Zinni, US envoy working on Qatar dispute resigns

United States ambassador Anthony Zinni working on dealing with Qatar diplomatic dispute resigned from his job at the State Department.

CNN quoted two State Agency officials saying that Zinni quit as he thought that he had arrived at a dead-end.

The officials further revealed that the envoy supposed that there was no forward flow on solving the stalemate between Qatar and its Gulf neighbors.

US envoy

On being called by CNN to know about the main reason behind his immediate resignation, Zinni thwarted any speculations of a rift within the organization.

Saying that he did not quit his post as of negative terms with other administration officials, Zinni noted, “I did not think my services were needed”.

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Gulf tribes, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and Bahrain,  had closed partnerships with Qatar in 2017 over its alleged encouragement for terrorist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood. (ANI)

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