Health and Fitness

Are thyroid disorders connected with increased blood sugar levels? Read here


What happens when a thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones? The condition of Hypothyroidism occurs. It is a condition when there is an imbalance in the metabolism, which affects the person’s blood sugar level.

As per the studies it is said that there is a “bidirectional link” between diabetes and thyroid. In both conditions of diabetes, there is an increase in blood sugar levels. The weight gain-inducing effect of type 2 diabetes.

How Hyperthyroidism is Caused?

The secretion of both insulin and glucagon is increased due to excess hormone generation. Research suggests that in hyper conditions, insulin resistance occurs with a sudden increase in the fatty acids in the bloodstream.

It worsens the effect of diabetes, when people suffering from diabetes are unable to reduce their blood sugar level doctors suggest they get further tests done.

The state of hyperthyroidism can also lead to the risk of eye and kidney-related issues. And ultimately the risk of getting type-2 diabetes also increases which worsens the condition of the patient.

Prevention Of getting type-2 diabetes


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  • Staying away from sugar and caffeine
  • Taking the necessary balanced diet
  • Medications and diet
  • Weight control
  • Early morning or evening walks

Apart from this one should not ignore if diabetes is turning into a serious disease. As most patients develop hypothyroidism which is a result of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. And this causes a lot of problems and the health of the diabetic patient gets worsen with the increased sugar level in the body.

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Type 2 diabetes may also result in a combination of genetics and lifestyle factors like having extra weight, generation of more cells, and more resistance to insulin’s effects on blood sugar. This condition can be run in families due to share genes and can be more susceptible to getting type 2 diabetes and being overweight.

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