Health and Fitness

Summer Diet: What to Eat and What to Avoid in Hot Summer

Foods to Eat in Summer Diet

Summer Diet: During the summer season, our bodies are more susceptible to illness due to the risk of dehydration and weakened immunity caused by excessive heat. In this season, our body’s doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) can also become imbalanced, leading to various digestive issues. Often, after eating certain foods in the summer, we may experience nausea(a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit) or a burning sensation in the stomach, indicating poor digestion. Therefore, it is essential to consume only healthy foods for the body and reduce the intake of spicy and junk foods.

Foods to Eat in the Summer Diet:

Foods to Eat in Summer Diet

  1. Watermelon: Watermelon, being high in water content, helps keep the body hydrated and prevents dehydration. It contains essential nutrients like vitamin C and A. Potassium in watermelon helps maintain electrolyte balance in the body.
  2. Cucumber: Cucumber is another hydrating food rich in water and low in calories. It helps regulate body temperature and aids in flushing out toxins.
  3. Coconut Water: Coconut water is beneficial for the body during the summer. It contains electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and sodium, which replenish fluids lost through sweating and help keep the body hydrated.
  4. Mint: Mint is a refreshing ingredient that has a cooling effect on the body. It aids digestion and also helps reduce inflammation. Mint can be consumed in salads, drinks, or chutneys.
  5. Yogurt: Yogurt contains probiotics that are beneficial bacteria for the gut and aid digestion. It helps reduce body heat, inflammation, and digestive issues. Yogurt can be consumed as a snack or added to salads.
  6. Salad: Consuming salads is essential, especially in the summer. Include ingredients like cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, and onions in your summer diet. Salads provide adequate hydration, vitamins, and minerals, giving you energy and strength while keeping the body hydrated.
  7. Buttermilk: Buttermilk, a traditional Indian beverage, can help cool the body and relieve digestive issues. Including it in your morning or afternoon, meals can help you stay hydrated and prevent dehydration and digestive problems.
  8. Sprouts for Breakfast: For those who do not eat eggs, incorporating mung bean sprouts, lentils, nuts, and seeds into breakfast can provide sufficient vitamins and minerals. Since there is a higher risk of dehydration in the summer, healthy options like lemon water, barley, and coconut water can be beneficial.
  9. Bael Fruit: Consuming bael fruit can be a bit challenging due to its taste and the difficulty of removing its pulp. However, making juice out of it can be quite tasty and immediately refreshing. You can also eat bael candy, which is readily available at many Ayurvedic stores.
  10. Onion: Onions help prevent dehydration and protect against infections common during the summer, such as skin-related issues. You can consume onions in cooked dishes or as part of salads.
  11. Lemon: Whether in salads or as lemon water, using lemon juice daily is recommended. It provides vitamin C, boosts immunity, and helps prevent dehydration.
  12. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. They contain beneficial phytochemicals like lycopene, which help in treating chronic diseases like cancer.
  13. Oranges: Oranges are rich in potassium, which is considered essential during the summer. According to health experts, oranges contain up to 80% juice and help maintain the necessary potassium levels in the body through sweating.

Foods to Avoid in the Summer Diet:

Foods to Avoid in the Summer Diet:

  1. Spicy and Fried Foods: Consuming spicy and fried foods increases body temperature and can lead to digestive issues. It is advisable to avoid them.
  2. Alcohol: Alcohol consumption leads to dehydration and increases body temperature. It is best to avoid it during the summer.
  3. Coffee: Coffee acts as a diuretic and can dehydrate the body. Limit its consumption during hot weather.
  4. Sugary Drinks: Avoid sugary drinks like energy drinks, colas, or sodas in the summer as they can dehydrate the body and spike blood sugar levels rapidly.

Maintaining a healthy diet during the summer is crucial for staying hydrated, preventing dehydration, and supporting overall well-being. By including hydrating foods and beverages while avoiding spicy, fried, and sugary items, you can enjoy a refreshing and nourishing summer diet that keeps you energized and healthy.

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