
Nagoro: Japan’s Creepiest Village Where Dolls Replace Humans

Humans have reached the moon but there are still places on Earth where they haven’t reached or should I say, don’t dare to go.  Maybe those places are not suitable to live but that’s not the case with Nagoro. It has everything despite which no human lives in this village. There’s another strange thing about it, it’s called ‘doll village of Japan’.

nagoro doll village


And let us tell you that these dolls are not at all cute as the one you see in the market. They are scary, available in all sizes, and reside at each and every corner of this village- from houses, schools, playgrounds, fields to markets.

nagoro doll village

via:valley of dolls japan

This alone gives goosebumps to whosoever has heard about this village but they also wonder how did these dolls come to Nagoro, who made it, and why?

How Did Nagoro Become The Valley Of Dolls?

valley of dolls japan


Nagoro was never like this before; it always had humans enjoying the pleasant surroundings and valleys around this place. But more than a decade ago, the village became deserted area when locals left the place due to its weak connection with other villages and cities of Shikoku.

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They went to new places in search of work and all those who stayed at Nagoro died with time. The village has now more than 350 dolls who did not appear all of a sudden.

The Story Behind Doll Village Of Japan

doll village of japan


Tsukimi Ayano, one of the residents of Nagoro, came back to the village to look after her father in 2002 as there were no necessary services available then.

No farmers to grow food, no shopkeepers to sell goods, no fishermen, no neighbours, nothing! It’s when Ayano started growing her own food but crows and birds were the trouble. She handcrafted a doll identical to her father to scare the birds.

doll village japan


Her neighbors and remaining locals could not identify that it was a doll and not her father, its when Ayano got the idea. She crafted dolls, one for each resident of Nagoro, and put it on their place. There are now more than 350 dolls dressed up as locals fill the void created by time.

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Soon, Nagaro became popular for these dolls and got the name ‘Doll Village of Japan or Valley of Dolls.’ Now tourists from nearby and far places visit this place to see the artwork of Ayano.

doll village


They don’t find the dolls scary once they know the reason behind their existence in Nagoro. Each and every doll remind, how the place was filled with love and humans once. If you wish to see them by naked eyes, travel to Shikoku, Japan, and reach Iye Valley either by private car or guided tour.

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