Health and Fitness

Managing High-Functioning Anxiety : Tips, Tricks To Ease Anxiety


It’s normal to feel anxious at times, especially in a stressful situation. But for some people, excessive and ongoing anxiety can be challenging to control and often interferes with daily activities. This can be a sign of an anxiety disorder.

High-functioning anxiety is a subset of generalized anxiety disorder that often goes unnoticed or undiagnosed. It occurs when a person has anxiety symptoms, but rather than retreating from situations or interactions.

What Is High-Functioning Anxiety

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High-Functioning Anxiety isn’t perceived in the Symptomatic and Measurable Manual of Mental Issues. All things being equal, it typically is analyzed as a summed-up nervousness jumble.

The expression “advanced uneasiness” addresses individuals who show tension side effects while keeping an elevated degree of usefulness in different parts of their lives. They frequently have successful careers or other roles, but they struggle internally with persistent stress, self-doubt, and the fear of not fitting in.


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The symptoms of high-functioning anxiety mirror many of these, but some may be more prominent.

  • Fears of criticism or significant self-criticism
  • Fears of looking inadequate or foolish to others
  • Feeling on the edge or on the verge of losing control
  • Excessive sweating
  • Feeling off-balance or lightheaded

Who is at risk

It can influence individuals of all ages and orientation, however certain individuals have a more serious gamble of encountering it. Ladies are over two times as logical as men to be impacted by summed up uneasiness jumble in the course of their lives.

  • Experiencing significant stressors
  • Having a genetic predisposition to anxiety
  • Who grew up in families where they felt less secure

Effect on daily life

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It can essentially influence different region of an individual’s life, notwithstanding their outward achievement and accomplishment. Individuals with advanced uneasiness keep an eye on overfunction. They might work additional hours, volunteer for additional tasks or attempt to impeccably do all assignments.

They search for signs on how society characterizes achievement and strain themselves to accomplish or outperform these frequently ridiculous assumptions.People with high-functioning anxiety also may put their personal relationships at risk because they spend so much time focusing on other areas in their lives.

Managing This

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It’s important to remember that there are good characteristics that come along with being anxious. People with anxiety often are caring, empathetic, peacemakers, rule followers and good citizens.

Counseling and therapy play crucial roles in helping people with high-functioning anxiety effectively manage their symptoms. Going to therapy doesn’t mean a person is weak or cannot function. It’s a strong sign that a person is intelligent, humble, teachable and proactive.

Strategies To Ease Anxiety

Overcoming Anxiety: Effective ways to Treat Anxiety | Solh Wellness

  • Forgetting comparisons
    People with anxiety tend to compare themselves to others, feel the need to improve and want to be more like someone else.
  • Seeking a healthy life flow
    Each person has different needs and energy levels. Some people thrive when constantly moving, while others need time to decompress. Your needs for sleep, self-care, nutrition, exercise and work-life balance will differ from others.
  • Creating a support network
    People with high-functioning anxiety may believe they must deal with their behaviors alone because they fear criticism or negative outcomes.
  • Practicing mindfulness
    This is the practice of purposefully being aware of and focusing on the present moment.
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