Health and Fitness

5 Major Lifestyle Changes to Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Lower Your Cholesterol Level with these Major Lifestyle Changes

High Cholesterol Level is a very common problem that can lead you to bigger health problems such as heart disease or heart attack. If you’re affected by this problem, you must have to make some major lifestyle changes to lower your cholesterol level. So for a little help, we have gathered the 5 best changes you have to make in your life. Check them out below. 

Lifestyle Changes to Lower Your Cholesterol Level

1. Consume Heart-Healthy Food

Lower Your Cholesterol Level


Making some changes in your diet make is the most important factor to look at. These changes include:

Keep control on saturated fat products: Saturated fat is one of the main things that increase bad cholesterol in our body. So, try to avoid products high in saturated fat such as red meat, butter, ghee, palm oil, biscuits, cake etc.

Avoid trans-fat products: Mostly, trans fat is labelled on its products. But sometimes it is also mentioned as “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil” which is banned by the Food and Drug Administration on 1st January 2021. Mostly it is found in cookies, crackers and cakes.

Consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids had nothing to do with bad cholesterol. But these food have a great impact on heart health. Foods that are rich in this acid include salmon, herring, flaxseeds, walnuts and mackerel.  

Increase in soluble fibre products: Soluble fibre will reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream. Foods like oatmeal, Brussels, apples, sprouts, kidney beans and peas are rich in this acid. 

Consume whey protein: Whey protein is most common in dairy products such as yoghourt, ricotta and cottage chees. 

Also Read: Best Cholesterol Lowering Foods | 7 Foods That Lower Cholesterol

2. Envolve in Physical Activities

Lower Your Cholesterol Level


Being physically active is one of the other important factors to lower your cholesterol level. It increases your good cholesterol and eliminated bad cholesterol from your body. So, make a routine to involve in exercise for at least 30 minutes in the morning. 

If you are not that good with exercise, you can consider the following activities throughout the day:

  • Take a casual short walk after your lunch
  • Ride a bike to your workplace
  • Play your favourite outdoor game

You can also join exercise classes to stay motivated. 

Also Read: What are Organic Foods And Their Health Benefits In Our Life?

3. Lose Unwanted Weight

Lower Your Cholesterol Level

via: Everyday Health

Carrying extra weight in your body can also contribute to bad cholesterol. So keep track of your calories and try to avoid fatty products. Sweets, junk foods, and air-popped drinks are high in calories. If you are already overweight, follow these tips to lose weight

4. Limit Your Alcohol

Drinking Alcohol


Drinking heavy alcohol can also increase your cholesterol level. So keep control on your drinking habit if you are addicted. Although, moderate use of alcohol can also help you overcome this condition. Two drinks of alcohol per day are recommended for men and one drink for women. But it doesn’t mean it can also benefit the men who don’t drink already. 

Note: Too much use of alcohol can lead you to serious health problems such as heart failure, strokes and high blood pressure.

5. Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking


Smoking is the most dangerous thing that boosts bad cholesterol levels in the body. Quitting it can help you in various ways: 

  • Your heart recovers blood pressure and heart rate just after 20 minutes of smoking
  • It will also improve your blood circulation and lung function after 3 months of quitting. 
  • Similarly, it will reduce half of the risk of heart disease after a year. 

You can also follow these tips for quitting smoking.

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