
New Year Party Time : Top Tips To Beat Hangover Naturally ,Try These at Homes


New Year’s long weekend is here and it’s the time to rejoice and celebrate with friends and near and dear ones. When the festivities are in air, one may be tempted to go overboard with alcohol which can lead to hangover symptoms the next day.

If you too encounter issues like fatigue, nausea, dizziness, or mood swings after a day of indulging in your favourite alcoholic beverages, you must follow certain tips to get rid of the nasty hangover that can ruin your holiday mood

How To Cure Hangover During New Year Times


Some practical tips to cure a hangover and a list of things to avoid during this time.

1. Hydration is key

Begin your recuperation by rehydrating. Liquor is a diuretic, prompting a lack of hydration and adding to that beating cerebral pain. Drink a lot of water, homegrown teas, or electrolyte-rich refreshments to recharge lost liquids.

2. Electrolyte-rich foods

Incorporate foods rich in electrolytes to restore the balance of minerals in your body. Opt for bananas, oranges, and leafy greens, which provide potassium, magnesium, and sodium.

3. Complex carbohydrates

Recharge your energy levels with complex sugars. Entire grains, earthy-colored rice, and oats can give a consistent arrival of energy, countering the weariness related to headaches.

What to avoid during a hangover


1. More alcohol

It might seem tempting, but consuming additional alcohol will only prolong your hangover. Give your body the time it needs to recover.

2. Caffeine overload

Excessive caffeine can worsen dehydration. Limit your intake of coffee and energy drinks, as they may intensify the symptoms.

3. Carbonated drinks

Carbonated beverages can contribute to bloating and discomfort. Stick to still water or herbal teas for gentle hydration.

By incorporating these nutrition tips and avoiding certain pitfalls, you can navigate your way to a speedier hangover recovery and start your day on a healthier note. Remember, listening to your body and providing it with nourishing choices is key to a smoother rebound from a night of indulgence.

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