
Gut-Wrenching Incident: Monkey Hanged To Death And Fed To Dogs

monkey hanged

In a heart-wrenching incident, a  monkey in Telangana was hanged to death by the local farmers when it came to satisfying thirst. The monkey fell in a water tank while drinking from it.

The man named Venkateshwara Rao saved him and brought it out of the tank, however just to hang him to death. 

The monkey while fighting for its life was bitten by dogs in the area. The cruelty did not stop there as the accused threw the dead body of the monkey to be the food of the dogs. The horrific video of the incident went viral on social media.

Watch The Video Below:

As per the reports, The accused wanted to scare other monkeys by hanging the one which was caught. We found the carcass in a decomposed state.

What type of punishment will best suit these bastards?

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