Health and Fitness

Sitting Too Long Without Movement ? Here Are The Top Risks Of Prolonged Sitting


Sitting for long hours working at your desk, watching television, or lazing around can put you at risk of heart attack and stroke apart from a range of other health issues. Courtesy of the fast-paced life and technology making rapid strides, leading an active lifestyle has become more of a conscious choice than a necessity.

When you are moving less, you are not only accumulating more calories than you require or can burn, but you are also doing an injustice to your bones and muscles which can become stiff due to lack of motion.

Sitting For Long Affects Blood Circulation

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At the point when you are sitting in one situation without moving, it can likewise influence your blood course and pulse which can additionally disturb medical problems. Exorbitant sitting is likewise connected with atherosclerosis, the development of plaque in the conduits, which could make you powerless to coronary failure.

Risks That Can Impact Our Health By Sitting Long

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These are the following risks that can impact our health and can develop the risk of heart attacks and other related risks in our bodies.

1. Increased risk of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis, the development of plaque in the courses, is a critical gamble factor for coronary illness. Extreme sitting advances a stationary way of life, prompting diminished bloodstream and diminished productivity in the body’s systems to get out of greasy stores.

2. Impaired blood circulation

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Sitting for broadened periods confines blood flow, especially in the lower appendages. This can prompt the arrangement of blood clusters, profound vein apoplexy (DVT), and at last, an expanded gamble of coronary episodes or strokes. Ordinary development and exercise are vital for keeping blood streaming without a hitch and forestalling these possibly perilous circumstances.

3. Elevated blood pressure

Sitting for long durations has been linked to elevated blood pressure levels. The lack of physical activity and decreased blood flow can contribute to hypertension, a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.

4. Increased risk of obesity

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Drawn-out sitting is frequently connected with a stationary way of life, which can prompt weight gain and heftiness. Extreme weight gain overwhelms the heart, expanding the gamble of pneumonic embolism, coronary illness, elevated cholesterol, and diabetes.

5. Unfavourable lipid profile

Sitting has been connected to expanded degrees of LDL cholesterol (frequently alluded to as ‘awful’ cholesterol) and diminished degrees of HDL cholesterol (known as ‘great’ cholesterol). This lopsidedness can add to the improvement of atherosclerosis and increment the gamble of coronary illness.

How to prevent the dangers of excessive sitting

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Although it is completely impossible to evade the risk of heart disease, lifestyle modification has a major role to play in reducing the risk factors. Some ways in which one can prevent sitting for long hours include:

1. Move regularly

It is important to break up long periods of sitting by incorporating short bursts of movement throughout the day.

2. Stand and work

Consider using standing desks or adjustable workstations that allow you to alternate between sitting and standing positions. Standing engages your muscles and promotes better posture, enhancing blood circulation.

3. Schedule active breaks

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Instead of not having movement during breaks or lunchtime, engage in physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, or doing simple exercises.

4. Prioritize exercise

Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, every week.

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5. Regular health check-ups

Schedule routine check-ups with your healthcare professional to monitor your heart health and discuss any concerns.

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