
Coronavirus Lockdown: Ganga Water Quality Improves By 50 Percent


We are all following the 21 day lockdown period very seriously to fight the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, nature has started healing itself as there is no human disturbance. The marine life got back to normal, peacocks were spotted on streets, and now Ganga water quality has improved.

Also Read: These Pictures Show How Nature Is Healing Itself Amid Coronavirus Lockdown

The virus has taken so much from all of us but a positive side if the lockdown has made nature happy.

The industries and factories are not operating during this period and as a result, no water pollution is noted.

Chemical Engineering department professor from BHU, PK Mishra said a statement to ANI:

“One-tenth of the pollution in Ganga river comes from industries. As industries are shut due to lockdown, situation has become better. We have seen 40-50 per cent improvement in the Ganga. It is a significant development,”

Talking about the condition of Ganga water today and before he said:

“There is a lot of difference between when we see the water of the Ganga river today and what used to be earlier. Today, the water looks clean,” 

People are not taking baths and that is also one reason why Ganga water quality is improving. The condition can further improve if the lockdown prevails for more 10 days. We can get back Ganga as it was earlier, the professor said:

“If this is the condition in 10 days, then I believe Ganga river will be like it used to be earlier,”

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