Health and Fitness

10 Health Benefits Of Thandai Recipe That Will Make You Love It More

10 Health Benefits Of Thandai Recipe That Will Make You Love It More

Thandai is one of the most popular summer drinks in India and though it can be enjoyed throughout the year, it is especially consumed during Holi. However, many people think thandai is unhealthy as bhang goes into it. Let us tell you not every type of thandai contains bhang and even if does, your body will get its unheard health benefits.

From being a natural detoxifier to a remedy for better digestion, thandai benefits have made it more than just a holi drink. Here you will get to know more about its good side and how to make thandai drink at home.

Thandai And Its Benefits

benefits of thandai


A common form of thandai enjoyed during holi is bhang thandai to feel high. This effect comes from cannabis sativa plant which is illegal in India. But since only leaves are used in making bhang thandai, you can comfortably enjoy the drink.

A bhang paste is made and then mixed to saffron milk. Poppy seeds, fennel seeds, black peppercorns and dry fruits are also added to enhance its taste.

All this looks simple but making thandai is not a child’s play. After all, a good recipe takes time and when you enjoy it, you feel all the goodness in its taste. Beside taste, thandai gives you these benefits:

bhang thandai recipe


  1. It eases nausea and vomiting due to THC
  2. Helps in treating pain especially in people suffering from rheumatoid and fibromyalgia arthritis
  3. Relaxes muscles and effective in treatments of seizures
  4. Good for people with poor appetite
  5. Effective in improving sleep problems

If you don’t like bhang thandai, you can skip it but can still enjoy other health benefits of thandai. These are:

  1. Relief in constipation as poppy seeds are used in it. These tiny seeds are high in calcium, fiber, and fat which makes your immune system strong
  2. Thandai contains fennel seeds which is good to get relief from flatulence.
  3. It gives you instant energy and put a stop on your instant hunger
  4. Spices used in thandai makes it a good immunity booster
  5. Lastly, this cool summer drink detoxifies your body

Also Read: How To Make These 5 Organic Holi Colours At Home?

These health benefits of thandai will make you ask for more, but too much will lead to side effects like dry mouth, rapid heart beat, paranoi, anxiety, and more.

How To Make Thandai At Home

thandai benefits


This holi make this delicious drink fresh at home, all you have to prepare is thandai powder. Get these ingredients and follow the steps to start the preparation:

  • 3 almonds
  • 3 pistachios
  • 2 tbsp poppy seeds
  • ¼ melon seeds
  • ½ tbsp black pepper powder
  • 1 cup chilled milk
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 3-4 cardamom


  • Soak all the ingredients except cardamom in lukewarm water overnight or you can keep it for 2 hours before making thandai recipe
  • Strain this mix and blend in a processor. You can also add saffron to this paste
  • Take a glass chilled milk and add 4 tbsps of the thandai paste and enjoy it fresh

You can also add fruits like mango or guava to enjoy the best version of thandai. And if bhang is your choice then do not drink it empty stomach. Avoid going in sunlight, keep it out of the children’s reach and pregnant women.

Keep these points in mind and enjoy bhang thandai and holi.






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