Health and Fitness

Walking: The key to a healthy heart and body


Walking is not just a simple activity; It is a powerful tool in maintaining good health. Recent studies have shown that walking can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and provide many other health benefits. Let’s see how regular walking can keep your heart healthy and body fit.

Main points of study


In a study analyzing data from nearly 72,000 participants from the UK Biobank, researchers found that walking 9,000 to 10,000 steps a day could significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases(CVD) and related deaths. Even people with sedentary lifestyles can benefit greatly from regular walking.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk reduction

Cardiovascular disease

However, even 4500 to 5,000 steps reduce the risk of heart disease to some extent. The researchers of this study also said that walking 10,000 steps daily reduces the risk of heart disease by 21 percent and the risk of death due to it by 39 percent. Apart from walking, swimming and cycling can also prove to be very helpful in taking care of the heart.

Many studies have also revealed that due to a sedentary lifestyle, the risk of many diseases increases, of which heart diseases are the most prominent. Now the coming out of this study can prove to be very beneficial for corporate people or people who work sitting all day long.

Other benefits of walking


In addition to reducing the risk of heart disease, daily walking has a myriad of benefits:

  • Weight Management:  Walking daily burns calories, which helps in reducing weight. When we do not do any physical activity, our calories start getting stored in the form of fat, so that the body can use them later, but when we reduce physical activity, then this fat remains stored in our body. And helps in reducing weight. Due to this, there may be a problem of obesity. Therefore, walking can prove beneficial to maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Joint health/ knee pain relief:  Walking exercises your knees. Not only this, walking also strengthens the muscles of the hips and thighs. Therefore, walking can provide relief from foot pain to a great extent.
  • Improves mood:  Walking is a type of physical activity, due to which our brain releases dopamine and you feel happy. Therefore, if you ever feel that you are in a bad mood, try taking a walk, this will improve your mood a lot.
  • Blood sugar control: Just 15 minutes of Walking after a meal helps control blood sugar levels by using glucose for energy, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes.

Incorporating a daily walking routine into your lifestyle can not only improve your cardiovascular health but your overall health as well. So, lace up your shoes and take a step towards a healthy, happy life!

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