Health and Fitness

Underarms Become Black Due to these Reasons, Do not Make these Mistakes to Avoid them


The use of razors is mostly blamed for the darkness of underarms, but do you know that this is not the only reason, there are many other reasons behind it which we do not pay attention to. Let us know about these as well as some mistakes that you have to avoid because these can also make the underarms dark.

Underarms are a part of the body whose care and cleanliness are often ignored. Due to this, dead skin cells start accumulating here and the skin starts looking black. We are not able to wear sleeveless clothes even if we want to, but this is not the only reason for dark underarms, apart from this there are many other reasons, which we will know here today. By paying attention to these things, you can get rid of this problem to a great extent. We will also learn about ways to avoid this.

Reasons for dark underarms


There can be many reasons for dark underarms, including:

  • Using too much deodorant
  • Irritation and friction caused by shaving
  • Lack of cleanliness
  • Wearing tight clothes
  • Increase in hyperpigmentation, which may be caused by smoking.
  • Acanthosis nigricans, which is a skin pigmentation disorder. Which is linked to diabetes, obesity, and hormone fluctuations.
  • Bacterial infection

Remedy to prevent underarms from turning black

  1. To prevent underarms from turning black, first reduce the use of deodorant. Think about natural alternatives. Try natural alternatives like lemon, baking soda, or apple cider vinegar. Which have fewer side effects and are also effective.
  2. Do not use a razor to remove underarm hair, rather waxing is a better option. Due to repeated use of razors, the skin starts darkening.
  3. Scrub your face, hands, and feet as well as underarms once or twice a week. Due to this, the dead skin cells stuck there are removed, the dirt gets cleaned which the skin look clean and neat.
  4. If you smoke too much then quit it because it also darkens the skin.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, always consult your doctor

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