
Spiritual Leader Sadhguru Undergoes Emergency Brain Surgery, PM Modi Wishes About Recovery

Spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev faced a "life-threatening"

Spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev faced a “life-threatening” health emergency and underwent brain surgery, the Isha Foundation announced on Wednesday. The organization said their 66-year-old leader is recovering, and his health situation is stable.

Isha Foundation Said In a Statement About Spiritual Leader Sadhguru’s Condition


“Sadhguru has recently undergone a life-threatening medical situation. He is currently recovering well,” Isha Foundation said in a statement.

In a statement, the Isha Foundation mentioned that Sadhguru underwent an MRI scan on March 15 which showed massive bleeding in the brain. However, he refused to cancel his commitments, including which he attended under the effect of powerful painkillers and sedation.

Was Suffering From Serious Headache From Last Four Weeks

Spiritual leader Sadhguru has been suffering from severe headaches for the last four weeks. The headache got extremely severe by March 14, 2024 afternoon when he arrived in Delhi. Spiritual leader Sadhguru underwent an urgent MRI at 4.30 pm the same day, which revealed a massive bleed in the brain. There was evidence of a chronic bleed that had been ongoing in the last 3-4 weeks as well as fresh bleeding that had developed in the previous 24-48 hours of the examination.

Treatment Almost Completed


“March 17, 2024, Spiritual leader Sadhguru’s neurological status rapidly worsened along with weakness of the left leg and marked worsening of headache with recurrent vomiting. …He underwent an emergency brain surgery within a few hours of admission to relieve the bleeding in the skull,” the statement added.

Dr Vinit Suri, who led the surgery, stated that Sadhguru has shown steady progress, and his brain, body, and vital parameters have improved to normal levels

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