
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s COVID-19 Related Video Message To The Nation

modi live

Prime Minister Modi’s Video Message Highlights:

  • #MahashaktiJagran – 5th April, 9PM – Light a Torch, Mobile flash, Candle or Diya for 9 minutes. Switch off all your lights at home
  • #SocialDistancing has to be continued ⭢ #Lockdown21 continued as usual,

In a video message to the nation, PM Narendra Modi lauded the people for their cooperation in the 21-day lockdown to stop the spread of the Covid-19. He said it set an ideal example for the rest of the world.

“You are not alone, no one is alone in the fight against coronavirus,” he told in a live video, further more there has been unparalleled discipline by the people during the lockdown.

Main Video Message:

“This Sunday, on April 5, we have to challenge coronavirus. I want nine minutes of your time at 9 pm to put off all the lights in your homes and come to your doors or balconies and light torches/mobile phone lights or lamps. This light will show that we are together in this battle,” Said Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Watch The Complete Video Message Below:


So on 5th April come together to fight coronavirus. Please turn off your lights at homes and light up candles, mobile flashlights or torch on your balconies for 9 minutes.
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