
Google Employee Neal Mohan Becomes New YouTube CEO!! Here’s How it Started..

YouTube CEO Neal Mohan

YouTube recently changed its CEO replacing Susan Wojcicki with Neal Mohan. Neal Patel has become the fourth CEO of YouTube. The news went viral after ex-CEO Susan announced that she will be stepping down from the largest video streaming platform. Neal Patel served as YouTube’s Chief Product Officer before becoming CEO of the company.

The ex-CEO of YouTube Susan has been one of the oldest members of Google as she has been working with the company for 25 years.

Neal Patel: YouTube’s New CEO

Neal Patel was born in 1975 in Lucknow. He completed his graduation in electrical engineering from Stanford University. Neal started working with Accenture in 1997 after one year of his graduation. He worked on several crucial projects for the company. He was later recognized by Google.

Neal Mohan Joined Google

Neal Mohan officially joined Google in 2007 after which he worked with ex-YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki who was a Google executive at that time. Neal and Susan worked together for 15 years. Neal became a crucial part of the business operations at Google. Twitter tried to hire him as their chief product officer but Google paid him $100 million in advance to stay at Google and work for them.

Neal Joined YouTube in 2015

YouTube hired Neal as its chief product officer in 2015. Neal played a vital role during his work at YouTube as they released many programs together including-  YouTube MusicYouTube TVYouTube Premium, and YouTube Shorts. He developed top-notch products and a UX team while working with YouTube.

Mohan replaced Susan as YouTube CEO and people from the YouTube community cheered for him. He has made a proud achievement and the people of India are proud of his hard work and achievements.

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