
Love NYC? These Cranky State Laws Here Will Make You Go…Wutt?!?

New York City

One of the liveliest and most vibrant cities in the world, New York is surely a great addition on your bucket list. It’s a hub of amazing museums with intriguing western art, cultural parks, places to eat, drink, and attractions you will never forget.

However, the city abides by some of the weirdest state laws. Don’t believe us? Then see yourself.

While you may have several dreams regarding your first visit to New York City, some of the Empire State Laws will make you scratch your head. It’s time to test yourself for knowing the most about The Big Apple. We have a list of the weirdest state laws that will make you go “REALLY!!!”

No Slippers After 10 PM

Sounds like no comfort after 10 PM. Wearing slippers in public places after 10 PM is illegal in NYC. Well, this is one of the arguments state laws. While some question even its citation. The others say that this is concerned with the rumors that smelly slippers attract rats.

Let Strangers Be Strangers

According to one of the state laws, while in an elevator, you are obligated to stand facing toward the door with folded hands. Talking to strangers in an elevator is illegal.

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You Can’t Fart In A Church

While farting is absolutely uncontrollable, doing it in a church is considered to be a misdemeanor. This is true according to one of the laws that state a person to be guilty of disturbance or disruption in religious service, memorial service, or funeral.

No Ice Cream On Sunday

New York City Tour

Yes, you read it right. According to a law in the past, no one was allowed to walk around the city with an ice cream in their pocket. Huh.

No Entry In A Park After 1 AM

New York city park at night

If you ever plan a romantic evening in New York, make sure you don’t end up inside a city park after 1 AM. This is illegal. Even if the gates of the park are open, you are not allowed inside.

No Playful Gesture 

Putting your thumb over your nose and wiggling fingers at other people is illegal in New York. Although it’s a playful gesture this law makes it look way more rebellious.

You Can’t Speed Past Sanitation Trucks

New York City

Getting late? Well, you have to wait. No matter where you’re heading over, speeding past sanitation trucks is illegal in NYC. It’s better to be late than to be accused of breaking a rule like this.

No Puppet Shows

No doubt you’re a great entertainer but don’t get driven by your desire to entertain your neighborhood. This is an out-of-the-box way to get into jail. Guess what! Doing puppet shows on residential windows is unlawful in New York City.

No Mechanic Bull Rides

If you love mechanic bull rides, know that you won’t find any on Heapstead’s Long Island. Mechanic bulls are forbidden here.

Those Tourism Sign Boards Are Illegal Too!

New York City

Tourism boards cannot be displayed on major roadways in New York City. If you put one, you are breaking both state law and federal law. What do you think?

No Flirting

All my dear flirtatious explorers reading this; Make sure to keep your eyes and hands off the man/woman you just thought of approaching. This will cost you a fine of $25. Now we know how Joey lost all his money.

No Body-Hugging Clothes For Women

It’s unlawful for women to wear body-hugging clothes in public. But do you know? It’s legal to go topless in public (unless its for business purposes) and now this law seems weird.

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You Need License To Hang Clothes On The Clothesline

New York Laws

Maybe your clothes get fungus or maybe they dry up under the fan until you get the license. If hanging clothes to dry them is illegal, tell us what is not?



Remember to follow these laws when you visit New York.

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