Health and Fitness

Monsoon : How To Protect Your Children From Monsoon Related Illness

monsoon children

Children are susceptible to falling ill during the monsoon but these 8 doctor-recommended tips can help you keep them protected and healthy even during the rainy season.

Nature comes to life during the monsoon season, and as much as we love the rainy season, it comes with its own challenges, especially when you have a kid at home to protect.

Protecting children from falling ill in monsoon

Here are eight tips that are helpful for taking care of children during the monsoons

1. Clothing

Childrens Clothing & Shoes | Kids Clothes | Monsoon Global

During the monsoon season, the weather changes a lot. It can be hot and humid during the day, and it can be pleasant or cold at night. During the day, light, supple clothing is preferred, and at night, a second layer of clothing with full sleeves will keep children warm.

2. Keep warm and dry

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Infections are more likely to occur in damp and wet conditions. Therefore, it is pertinent to encourage children to bring umbrellas and raincoats when they go outside. We must ask the child to change into clean, dry clothes as soon as they get home in the event that they get wet.

3. Diaper care

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Frequent urination is a common occurrence in the monsoon. If you have young children, diapers have to be changed frequently to avoid wetness and fungal infections.

4. Protection from mosquitoes

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Because mosquitoes reproduce during the rainy season, children are more likely to contract deadly diseases like dengue and malaria from being bitten by mosquitoes. Therefore, dress your child in loose clothing with full sleeves and minimal skin showing. You can even use nets to keep mosquitoes from biting you.

5. Prevent diarrhea

Have a Kid with Sudden Diarrhoea? Your Guide to Symptoms, Causes and Treatments | HealthEngine Blog

Water that is used for drinking is tainted by rain and flooding. Consumption of unclean water causes an increase in diarrheal infections. Always use RO water that has been filtered. Additionally, you can boil the water and consume it when it has cooled.

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