Health and Fitness

How To Maintain Good Vaginal Hygiene and Prevent UTIs. Tips That Will Help

Vaginal Health

Keeping your vulva and vagina clean is important — it can help prevent infections, irritation, and bad odors. But your vaginal hygiene works differently from other parts of your body and products like soap may cause issues down below.

Issues Happen On Not Taking Care

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These issues often cause irritation, discomfort, and low self-esteem among the women who suffer from them. It also interferes with daily activities. Hence, it is important to discuss how to maintain vaginal health.

Why Vaginal Health Is a Must-Care?

The mitigating factor is that our body heals itself with its own immune system naturally. Some bacteria that are normally present in the vagina give it immunity from infections. Hence, there is no need for remedies specifically meant for the vagina like vaginal wash, vaginal ointments, etc.

Health Tips To Keep Your Vagina Healthy

Here are a few key guidelines you should follow to keep your vagina clean and healthy.

1. Go to the gynecologist

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Assuming you’re between the ages of 21 and 65, you ought to be going to the gynecologist at regular intervals to get a pap smear, which tests for strange cells that could flag malignant growth or contaminations like STIs.

However, at times, you might have to see your gynecologist more regularly. Your gynecologist might suggest more successive visits in the event that you have an ongoing condition like malignant growth.

2. Avoid scented products

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The perfumes added to bath and sexy-time products can be very irritating to the vulva and vagina,” says Dr. Katherine White, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Boston University and author of “Your Sexual Health.”

Some of the most common scented items include:

  • Tampons
  • Pads
  • Soap

3. Wash daily with warm water

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To wash your vulva, you don’t need anything more than water. “No soap needs to be applied to the vulva — just plain, warm water to rinse any debris that might be left over from the day.

Activities that could negatively affect your vagina’s pH level are:

  • Washing the inside of your vagina
  • Using a douche

4. Pee and clean your vulva after sex

Answering Common Questions & Concerns About Vaginal Health

At the point when you have vaginal sex, microbes can be pushed from your vagina into your urethra — the cylinder that prompts your bladder. ” This can expand your gamble of bladder contamination or urinary lot disease.

You ought to likewise clean your vulva after sex. Utilize a spotless washcloth with warm water subsequently to eliminate any additional garbage that may be left in the private parts.

5. Keep the area dry

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Keeping the region around your vulva dry is significant for your vaginal cleanliness — this implies changing out of clammy attire straightaway.

Wearing sweat-soaked practice gear or a wet swimsuit for a really long time expands the dampness in and around your vulva. The moist environment can also put you at greater risk of developing a yeast infection.

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