Health and Fitness

Gym Safety Tips: Your negligence can cause an accident, keep these things in mind while exercising in the gym

Gym Safety Tips

Gym Safety Tips For some people, exercising in the gym is a part of the daily routine, yet many times due to slight negligence, accidents have to be faced. Perhaps that’s why the proverb has also been made, the accident happened when the caution was removed. That is why in this article, we will tell you about some such tips, with the help of which you can stay safe.

Gym Safety Tips

Gym Safety Tips

Gym Safety Tips: Recently, sad news shocked everyone when a fitness influencer named Justin Vicky Bali died while working out in the gym. Vicky Bali was attempting to do a squat press with a barbell on his shoulders. After the squat, he was unable to stand up straight and fell back to a squatting position when the barbell fell behind his neck, killing him.

According to reports, this barbell was 210 kg. According to media reports, his neck was broken and apart from this, the vital nerves connected to his heart and lungs were also severely compressed. Today’s article is related to this, in which we will tell you about those important things, which you must remember while exercising in the gym.

What are the things to keep in mind in the gym?

Accident Involving Gym Equipment

Equipment kept in the gym is quite risky and can prove to be quite dangerous if they are not used properly or not maintained properly after use. Remember to use the equipment only in the presence of a professional and according to their instructions. Apart from this, do not forget to check the condition of this equipment before use.

Overexert Yourself

Pushing yourself too hard during a workout can lead to exhaustion and even passing out. After entering the gym, do a warm-up before doing hardcore exercises. Also, know your body’s limits and increase workout intensity gradually over time and stay hydrated. Take breaks from time to time as needed.


Gym floors can be slippery, especially from sweat or spilled water. So wear athletic shoes with a good grip. Despite this, you need to be alert. Notify gym staff of any leakage or slippery conditions.

Weight Lifting

Some people start lifting dumbbells as soon as they hit the gym. However, this is the worst approach and can lead to tendon strains, sprains, or more serious injuries. Use proper lifting techniques and seek professional help. Start with less weight and increase it gradually.


Get in the habit of staying well-hydrated before, during, and after a workout. Carry a water bottle with you and keep sipping water during your workout sessions.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

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