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Feng Shui Crystal Lotus: Understanding the Beautiful Significance

crystal lotus feng shui

Feng Shui crystal lotus flower is considered the most auspicious and spiritual plants on earth. Every petal of this flower is known to have medicinal properties garnering good health and overall well-being. According to Feng Shui experts, keeping crystal lotus tends to counter negative energy, attract more positive energy and bring useful insights and wisdom.

History of Feng Shui Crystal Lotus Flower

In earlier days at Egypt, this flower was used basically as a symbol in paintings and engravings on temple walls and tombs. It was regarded as the symbol of rebirth as this plant gets faded during the night time and renews itself early morning. It is a suitable reminder for reincarnation and afterlife.

Buddhism traditions refer to it as the ‘flower of paradise’. In Hinduism, the lotus flower was used as an instrument for peace. These flowers were kept in daily devotion to God and Goddess. Also, as per eastern energy healers, the lotus flower was related to chakras or energy centers located in the spine area.

Feng Shui is ancient Chinese traditions that has the sole purpose of purifying energy of a place and restore health, balance and well-being of the people. It has certain principles that promote arranging of items and things in a particular way to balance the energy flow and aid in circulation. As per Feng Shui, placing crystal lotus flower has tremendous benefits on your life as it is a spiritual and sacred flower.

The crystal lotus flower denotes purity and limpidity. It balances the Qi energy of an environment where it is placed to attract abundance of success, wealth and health. It is recommended to place the flower in a sunny place so that it can reflect beautiful positive rays that balances the environment and cleans the negative energy of the space.

feng shui crystal lotus blue

Meaning of different colored Feng Shui Crystal lotus

The Feng Shui crystal lotus comes in a variety of different colors and shades. Pick the one that attracts you the most.

  • Blue color Feng Shui Crystal Lotus represents peacefulness, tranquillity, calmness and serenity.
  • Green color lotus represents balance, success, harmony, optimism, youth, calmness, etc.
  • Yellow color lotus denotes dynamism, joy, energy and also softness with intelligence.
  • Red is the color of love and is used to represent passion, temptation, strength, power, luxury, energy, perseverance and struggle.
  • Purple color lotus depicts mystery, idealism, protection, and also peace, purity and luxury.
  • Pink denotes innocence, softness, sweetness and confidence.
  • White or transparent color lotus denotes nobility, serenity, calm and peace.
  • Multicolour lotus represents alliance and serenity.


Significance of Crystal Lotus Flower

  • It impacts family relationships as well as circulating positive energy in the aura.
  • It purifies the environment, helps to obtain a calm and peaceful mind.
  • It helps to balance the chi energy by accelerating, stopping and omitting stagnated Chi energy from the body chakras.
  • The Chi energy is known to bestow health, wealth, wellness and success to a person.
  • It symbolizes victory over adversity and gives the strength to transform and any obstacle or difficulty.

feng shui lotus

Advantages of placing Feng Shui Crystal Lotus in your home

  1. It aims to dissolve all kinds of conflicts, problems and provide opportunities for growth, success, and achievement.
  2. When placed in a negative environment, it tends to clear the negative energy field and bring a resolution and calmness in the environment.
  3. It is especially useful for attracting financial success and abundance.
  4. As per Feng Shui teachings, the crystal in the lotus tends to collect the sunlight that spreads positive energy.
  5. Placing crystal lotus next to the window is recommended for obtaining positive vibes in the house environment.
  6. It a symbol of financial abundance and riches. Placing it in the home or office tends to create opportunities to attract more wealth and abundance.
  7. It gives a soothing effect and generates a positive feeling of hope and optimism leading to good relationships in the family.
  8. It is a symbol of protection as well and is used for protecting and guiding our higher self to achieve all the desired goals.
  9. It is known for creating blissful relationships and promotes a harmonious life.
  10. It helps in improving focus and creates self-discipline and determination required for a successful life.

Also Read: 5 Feng Shui Home Decorating Ideas For Your New Home

feng shui red lotus

Placement of crystal lotus as per Feng Shui

The right placement of the lotus is used for cleansing and producing good energy and positive vibes. Ideally, it should be placed in the southwest corner of the room if you want to improve your relationship with your spouse or resolve conflicts. Placing lotus in the office in the reception area helps to generate wealth and attract success. It also gives the inspiration to achieve success and solve any obstacles or difficulties on the path.

Placing it in the bedroom tends helps to harmonize the environment of the family. It aims to resolve issues and conflicts and clean all the negative feelings like hurt, anger and resentment and convert it to positive feelings of compassion and love.

  • Place red lotus or a pink crystal lotus in your bedroom to improve relationships between husband and wife. Keep it in the southwest direction for maximum benefits.
  • Keep the lotus in the center of your office area or reception where it will emit its positive rays to promote financial gains and success.
  • Keep it near the window area to emit any kind of negative energy entering in the house.
  • Place crystal lotus in your study table to increase focus and concentration.

Also Read: Tortoise Placement in Home as per Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui

As you have read and understood the benefits of placing Feng Shui Crystal lotus, make use of these tips to enhance your career success and bring harmony and joy to your family and loved ones. Placing it at the right direction attracts luck, good health and well-being and blesses you with all kinds of success be it spiritual or material.

Additionally, it is important to keep the crystal lotus clean and free from dust as it symbolizes purity and clarity. You can also consider gifting a Feng Shui Crystal lotus to your friends or family members as a gesture of wishing them good luck and prosperity.

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