Health and Fitness

Burning Eyes Due To Pollution ? Here’s How To Protect Your Eyes From Smog, Toxic Air

air pollution

Do you awaken with a consuming sensation in your eyes or red and watery eyes nowadays? High contamination levels in Delhi-NCR, are influencing pretty much every part of our wellbeing and that incorporates visual wellbeing. At the point when eye strain meets contamination, visual issues are certain to decline. Openness to natural contaminations, for example, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and residue particles makes individuals inclined to red, watery eyes and different eye sensitivities.

t is important to support your eye health with protective eyewear and nutritious and hydrating food high in fiber, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. Drinking plenty of water will also help deal with the harmful effects of pollution.

How long-term exposure of pollutants affects Eye Health

Burning, itchy eyes during pollution? Here's what to do - Times of India

Ongoing openness to air poisons can fuel the gamble of additional serious visual pathologies, like uveitis or retinal illnesses, and there’s arising proof that it might add to the advancement of waterfalls and potentially demolish age-related macular degeneration. It is critical to be cautious during times of high contamination and incorporate more successive check-ups to catch and address the unobtrusive beginning of contamination-instigated eye well-being decline.

How to protect your eyes from the adverse effects of pollution

Protect your eyes from pollution | Health - Hindustan Times

During contamination weighty seasons, making proactive strides is pivotal: wearing glasses or goggles makes an obstruction against direct openness, and top-notch air purifiers can extraordinarily diminish indoor contamination levels. Customary eye care, incorporating purifying with additive-free arrangements and keeping an eating regimen plentiful in nutrients and minerals fundamental for eye well-being, stays essential.

Tips To Follow To Lower The Risk Of Infections

Air pollution can cause conjunctivitis in the eyes, take care like this

  • Avoid exposure to harmful pollutants. Stay indoors, especially in the early hours of the morning as the pollution levels are at their peak at this time. In case you have to venture out, so make sure you wear protective eyeglasses which will help reduce your exposure to the pollution-causing agents.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and running water and avoid touching your eyes
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water as it will aid in adequate tear formation.
  • Wear sunglasses when outdoors.

It is advisable to avoid using contact lenses if there is any redness or discomfort in the eye. Wearing protective glasses over contact lenses may be useful when the particulate matter index is at an alarming level.

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