
Why BoyCott Naturals Salon is Trending on Twitter: Know the Reason

Naturals Salon

The CEO and Co-Founder of Naturals Salon chain CK Kumaravel stirred the controversy after tweeting some derogatory remarks against Veer Savarkar. This led to the discourse with many BJP Clads who were the followers of the Savarkar. 

He made a highly denigrated remark against Veer Savarkar on Twitter. Many of the supporters and devotees of the Veer Savarkar are enraged by this tweet and begin calling for a boycott of this Salon.

What is the Real Matter That Sparked the Outrage Against the Naturals Salon Owner CK Kumaravel

Naturals Salon

On 16th May PM Narendra Modi addressing the election rally in Kalyan Maharashtra praised the Veer Savarkar, he also challenged the I.N.D.I. Alliance supporters to say 5 sentences about the greatness of Veer Savarkar. 

In response to this challenge, Kumaravel tweeted 5 sentences about Veer Savarkar, which are derogatory and criminalize the image of Veer Savarkar. The I.N.D.I supporter and former executive of Makkal Needhi Maiam CK Kumaravel Hindutva ideology as a maniac.

Kumaravel alleged that Veer Savarkar that he instigated the mentally ill Godse to kill M.K. Gandhi. A false evidence of history that was recently spiked by Congress to defame the renowned freedom fighter who manipulated the mentally ill Godse to kill Gandhi. 

This kind of propaganda against Veer Savarkar was busted by the Justice Department as they mentioned that Savarkar was acquitted in the case.

Check the tweet below

This derogatory tweet didn’t go well with the supporters of  Veer Savarkar and they demanded the full boycott of Naturals Salon and legal action against the CEO CK Kumaravel. 


CK Kumaravel does not issue any comment in regard to his tweet, but still, he is continuously criticizing PM Modi and BJP on his Twitter, whether his business got affected by this remains to be seen.

What is the Recent Propaganda Ignited by the Congress Against the Veer Savarkar

Naturals Salon

I.N.D.I Alliance leaders and its supporters began a vilified campaign against the India-renowned freedom fighter Veer Savarkar. They began the Mercy Petition and falsely claimed that Veer Savarkar was involved in the murder of Gandhiji. But the Judiciary cleared out that he was acquitted of the murder charge of Gandhiji and proved his innocence.

Real Historical Facts About Veer Savarkar MK Gandhi Case

In historical facts, Veer Savarkar was falsely accused in the murder case of M.K. Gandhi by the Nehru Govt. Nehru wants Savarkar behind the bar. But then Law Minister Ambedkar and another congress member Kakasahev Gadgil opposed the Savarakr trials and they felt he was innocent.

Ambedkar secretly met the Savarkar lawyer Hindu Mahasabha Leader Bhopatkar in Delhi and inspired him to fight the case because he felt that the case against Savarkar was very weak and he’d be acquitted.

On 22nd June 1949 when the hearing began Ambedkar and his wife sat in front of the judge so the judge noticed his presence. Savarkar was not only innocent but also opposed Nathuram Godse and Narayan Apte’s anarchist ways. Later he was acquitted by the court and all of the murder charges against him were dropped by the court.

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