
Do You Have a Sweet Tooth ? Here’s The Best Time To Eat Dessert According To Experts

Desserts are often regarded as a guilty pleasure, but they can also be a delightful addition to a balanced diet when consumed mindfully. As a nutritionist with years of experience,

There is an age-old saying that one should have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper in order to stay healthy and keep obesity away. Dieticians and nutritionists have largely agreed with the conventional wisdom.

At a time diabetes and obesity are emerging as global epidemic, it makes sense to completely avoid sweets in dinner and give it a miss in lunch too.

Desserts Are Often Regarded As Guilty Pleasure


Desserts are often regarded as a guilty pleasure, but they can also be a delightful addition to a balanced diet when consumed mindfully. As a nutritionist with years of experience, I often encounter questions about the best and worst times to indulge in these sweet treats. Let’s delve into the science behind sweet consumption timing to make informed choices for our health and well-being

Why Morning Is The Best Time For Eating Desserts

  • Contrary to popular belief, there is an optimal time for enjoying sweets without compromising health goals.
  • Consuming desserts earlier in the day, preferably during the first half, is generally recommended.
  • This timing allows your body ample time to metabolize the sugars and carbohydrates efficiently, preventing spikes in blood sugar levels.
  • Having sweets as part of breakfast or lunch can provide a steady source of energy throughout the day, helping to curb cravings and prevent overindulgence later on.
  • Opt for healthier dessert options like fruit salads, yogurt parfaits, or whole-grain muffins to boost nutrient intake while satisfying your sweet tooth.

Worst Time Of Eating Desserts


Consuming high-sugar or heavy sweets before bed can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels, which may disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to weight gain. If you have a sweet tooth in the evening, consider opting for a small portion of a healthy dessert, such as a piece of dark chocolate or a small serving of sorbet, to satisfy cravings without overloading your system.

Mindful Eating

When indulging in , pay attention to portion sizes and opt for quality over quantity. Choose desserts made with wholesome ingredients like fruits, nuts, and whole grains, and limit your intake of highly processed, sugary treats. Furthermore, listen to your body’s hunger and satiety cues, and avoid using desserts as a coping mechanism for stress or emotional discomfort.

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