
Police Drive To 4th Floor Of AIIMS Rishikesh To Arrest Molestation Accused, Video Gets Viral

A police group headed to the fourth floor of Rishikesh’s All India Foundation of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) to capture a nursing official blamed for attacking a lesser inhabitant specialist. A video of the section of the police vehicle into the emergency clinic premises became a web sensation via online entertainment.

Police Vehicle Reaches Inside AIIMS


The vehicle is seen going through the emergency region on the ground floor before arriving at the fourth floor utilizing an incline. It tends to be seen passing through a jam-packed lobby as emergency clinic safety faculty clear a path for the vehicle by pushing cots doing patients of the way.

Reason Of Police Doing This Act

AIIMS advertising official Sandeep Kumar said there was plausible of an assault on Kumar and to that end police needed to bring their vehicle inside the emergency clinic premises and take it to the fourth floor. ” There were protests…the protestors even attempted to hinder the police vehicle.”

Specialists have been fighting external the workplace of the AIIMS senior member requesting activity against the denounced.

Accused Was Performing His Duties


A partner of the specialist said they took up the matter with the top of the division and a protest was sent to the interior grumbling panel. ” In spite of the objection, the charged was permitted to play out his obligations,” said the partner.

Kumar was reserved under the Indian Correctional Code’s Areas 354 (attack or criminal power to shock humility) and 506 (criminal terrorizing) on Tuesday and captured that very day. Even though AIIMS was looking into the allegations against him, he was suspended on Monday.

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