
Adulting 101 – Your Guide To Be A Successful Adult!


As a kid, we always wanted to grow up fast as we thought being an adult was so much fun!
Isn’t it?
Yet, now when we are full-grown adults, we realize that it sucks! It’s hard, tiring and frustrating.
We no longer have our parents to take our responsibilities, cook or take care of our finances.

It’s a tough world out there and you got to be tougher, but moving into adulthood can be scary when you have no idea how to get stuff done!
Don’t worry, here’s your guide to adult life!

1. A Good Routine


Daily Routine


Gone are the days when you could sleep off till afternoon or have a hangover on Mondays. Now, you have a job and if you are not looking forward to quitting it, trust me you don’t need a messed up routine to screw your life. Follow an easy routine that includes a good work-life balance and some fun on the weekends.

2. Learn How To Manage Your Finances

Money Management


Your parents are not going to pay for you now, and spending recklessly is not going to help. Try spending on “needs rather than wants”. You don’t need another branded bag when you have to pay this month’s rent and shop for groceries. Also, learn to save money for your future as it will prove to be a wonderful gift you can give your future self.

3. Don’t Compromise On Health

Health and Fitness


As a new adult, you might want to take the easy route as learning how to cook can be challenging but don’t ever compromise on your health. Learn the life skill and don’t depend on for food for your only source of nutrition. Follow a nutritious diet and don’t forget to exercise. Trust me your future self will forever be grateful to you for this.

4. Learn To Take Responsibility



Yes, responsibilities and adulthood go hand in hand. You can’t always run away from your responsibilities, so you should own up to them. Whether it’s about paying your timely rent or planning for the future, always have things in control and set short-term goals that would keep you going in the long-term.

5. Stop Being So Hard On Yourself



Being an adult is difficult and it takes time to find your way in this new phase of life. But as always you don’t have to be perfect at everything go out, eat that pizza or sleep off on weekends, do the normal millennial things you enjoy once in a while.

6. Learn The Basics



To be the master of this art, you have got to learn the basics first. For example, you want to learn how to do the laundry, there is only one simple trick that “separate the light and dark clothes before washing”. If you know the basics you can easily invent your ways of doing things. There are a lot of simple Tricks on Google to do these basic things in a short time.

So now that you know the essence of adulting, you are all set to be a successful adult.

Happy Adulting!

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