
Why World Ozone Day Is Celebrated: Theme And Significance

Why World Ozone Day Is Celebrated: Theme And Significance

World Ozone Day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about the life-saving shield called OZONE. This thin layer covers the earth’s uppermost region “Stratosphere” preventing us from harmful radiation from the sun.

Even after being aware of this fact, the world did not realize its importance until the first ozone hole was discovered.

History Of World Ozone Day

world ozone day

PHOTO of Ozone Hole, Pic Credit: MediaIndiagroup

The first hole in the ozone layer was discovered in 1970 in the region of Antarctica. Scientists discovered the excessive use of ozone-depleting substances as the cause of this hole. With time it increased in size and become one of the largest and deepest holes on the earth’s surface.

This hole threw light on several environmental and life-threatening consequences such as skin cancer, eye cancer, and more.

These harmful effects of ozone depletion brought 197 countries together to sign a Montreal Protocol. This was the first such biggest ratification in the history of UNGA and was signed in the year 1987. Australia was the first to do so.

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What Is Written In The Montreal Protocol?montreal protocol

The 1987 Montreal Protocol includes 3 vital provisions regarding environmental protection and control measures. The treaty aims to reduce the ODS (ozone depletion substances) and is a time-binding agreement among all member countries.

CFCs, Halon, CCl4, and other Ozone Depletion Substances were listed under this protocol. Most of these chemicals are used in cooling gadgets such as AC, and refrigerators.

World Ozone Day 2021 Theme

world ozone day


Keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool is the theme for World Ozone day 2021. Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change has formulated an action plan to work in accordance with the treaty.

ICAP (India Cooling Action Plan) was planned in 2019 to reduce the growing demands of cooling devices and improve the energy efficiency of India.

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Effect Of Montreal Protocol

It is the result of the Montreal Protocol and efforts of all member countries that the largest ozone hole is now closed. The hole expanded up to 24 million sq. kilometers in October 2020. However, the 40-years old gap in the ozone layer begins to slow down due to the rising temperature in the stratosphere layer, as per the WMO report.

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