
Why Do Women Earn Less than Men? The Professor Who Answered This Wins Nobel

Why Do Women Earn Less than Men? The Professor Who Answered This Wins Nobel

Introduction: The age-old question of why women earn less than men in the workforce has been comprehensively addressed by Harvard Professor Claudia Goldin. For her groundbreaking work, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2023.

About Claudia Goldin

About Claudia Goldin

  • Nobel Recognition: Goldin’s deep dive into the wage disparities between men and women made her the recipient of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics.
  • Academic Achievements: She serves as a professor of economics at Harvard University. Beyond her primary role, she directed the NBER’s Development of the American Economy program from 1989 to 2017 and co-directs NBER’s ‘Gender in the Economy’ group.

Goldin’s Explanation on Wage Gap

Goldin’s Explanation on Wage Gap

  • More than just Pay: Equality often focuses solely on pay, but the real inequality extends beyond just earnings. Gender pay disparities are deep-rooted and more intricate than they appear.
  • Two Primary Areas: The main contributors to the wage gap are careers and family responsibilities. These are like two sides of the same coin.

Equality in Earnings? Here’s What Goldin Thinks

Equality in Earnings? Here’s What Goldin Thinks

  • Balance Inside Homes Equals Workplace Equality: Goldin believes that if there’s equality within families, there’s a higher chance to achieve gender pay equality in workplaces.
  • Time Constraints: Careers demand time, as does childcare. If women, on average, spend more time on child-rearing and household chores, it naturally leads to them having less time for career growth. This results in them taking less demanding jobs or working fewer hours, leading to a wage gap.
  • Gender Roles: The gendered roles within households, historic norms, and personal preferences result in caregiving often falling on women. Thus, the broader wage disparities emerge more from outside the workplace.

Challenges Women Face in Workforce

Challenges Women Face in Workforce

  • Rewards for Continuous Availability: Those employees available round-the-clock and “on-call” at workplaces tend to earn more. This reward is not linear to the time they put in – doubling the time can more than double the earnings.
  • The “Greedy Work” Phenomenon: Careers that reward extended hours disproportionately are known as ‘greedy work’. If one member in a couple has to be available for family needs, it’s often the woman, reinforcing the gender income disparity.

Way Forward

  • Flexible Workplaces: Adopting the flexibilities introduced during pandemic times can be a solution to balancing work and family commitments.
  • Reducing Childcare Costs: Another solution is to reduce the costs associated with childcare. Political movements are already gaining momentum in this direction.
  • Involving Men: Getting men equally involved in caregiving and household responsibilities is another significant part of the solution.


Professor Claudia Goldin’s research sheds light on the complex reasons behind gender wage disparities. It is clear that the path to equality is multifaceted, demanding changes both in workplaces and within our homes.

Also Read – Nobel Prize 2023: Claudia Goldin received the Nobel Prize for Economics, had worked in the field of labor market

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