
Does Social Media Cause Anxiety ? Top Ways How It Affects Your Mental Health

social media

Social media connects the world and brings us closer to our loved ones, but it can also be the reason for anxiety and stress. “Have you ever noticed your anxiety heightens when you’ve just been on social media? Or perhaps while you’re scrolling?⁣ Social media-induced anxiety refers to the feelings of stress, anxiety, or distress that can arise from the use of social media platforms.⁣

If you use it on a regular basis you’re increasingly exposed to various types of content, such as curated profiles, highlight reels, news, and discussions, which can contribute to feelings of anxiety and unease.

Does Social Media Cause Anxiety?

Six ways social media negatively affects your mental health | The Independent

Assuming that social media entertainment is the principal thing you take a gander at on your telephone after awakening, you’re in good company. Around 72% of Americans are on something like one web-based entertainment stage. Be that as it may, in the wake of taking a gander at photographs of gatherings, get-aways and different minutes, you could turn out to be more restless. Does web-based entertainment cause nervousness? Is online entertainment nervousness a condition?

We’ll investigate the connection between online entertainment and uneasiness and whether web-based entertainment causes tension.

Anxiety Symptoms After Using Social Media

Link Between Social Media and Social Anxiety | Banyan Boca

Anxiety symptoms vary based on the type of anxiety disorder someone has. However, there are some common symptoms of anxiety such as:

  • Difficulty concentrating on anything other than current worries or concerns

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Feeling nervous and restless

  • Tiredness or feeling weak

  • Gastrointestinal issues, such as stomachaches, cramps, diarrhea and/or constipation

  • Rapid breathing (hyperventilation)

  • Sweating

  • Trembling

  • Avoiding people, objects, or situations that may cause anxiety

How Social Media Increases Anxiety 

Latest News About Anxiety

Social comparison

Virtual entertainment is loaded with uplifting perspectives on life. Individuals normally commend their accomplishments, triumphs, and get their disappointments far from the social world. Thus, we are given a twisted perspective on the real world, and we wind up contrasting our lives with those of others and their virtual entertainment projections. This can cause us to feel like disappointments.

Fear of missing out

The word FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) has gained popularity in recent times, all thanks to social media. We seem to miss out on experiences that people on social media participate in. This causes in us severe anxiety about not joining the bandwagon.


Sadly, web-based entertainment is likewise where a ton of online provocation and cyberbullying happens. Pessimistic remarks, individual assaults, and public disgracing are exceptionally normal in virtual entertainment, and they can profoundly affect psychological wellness.

Online validation and likes

We tend to tie our sense of self-worth to the amount of likes and comments that we receive on our social media shares. This practice of seeking constant online validation can be harmful and toxic for us mentally.

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