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Shami Plant for Home: Unveiling the Mysteries, Its Traditional Uses and Modern Applications

shami plant benefits

Shami plant for home has tremendous benefits both for interior designing as well as medicinal advantages. Keeping a shami plant for home can help you style the look and feel of your house and also add an eco-friendly element to places where there is shortage of greeneries. As per Vastu Shastra, shami plant is known to be having enormous benefits for improving health, wealth, harmony and thus has a significant space for every home. In this post, we will discuss what is shami plant, how to grow it and its benefits.

What is a Shami plant?

Shami plant, popularly known as Jand or Khejri, is used mainly for providing fodder for cattle. It is a perennial, multipurpose plant having numerous medicinal properties. The scientific name of Shami plant is Prosopis cineraria. It is a medium-sized tree with conical thorns and light-green bluish foliage. The leaves are dark green in color and have a pointed end. It bears small flowers that are mostly of yellow and white color. Shami plant has auspicious significance related to traditional Hindu culture. It is worshipped by many people in India.

shami plant for home

Growing a Shami plant

These plants are easy to maintain and require not much care. They can be grown either by cutting or sowing. The steps to grow a shami plant are:

  • Cut the stems from a shami plant. Make sure that there are atleast 3-4 stems.
  • Separate the leaves from the stems. After that, dip the cuttings in a rooting hormone.
  • Design a mixture that contains loamy soil, compost and sand.
  • As it gets ready, create a hole in the mixture using your fingers. Place the shami plant stem in a rooting hormone, ensure that bottom of the stem is covered.
  • Keep the cuttings in the soil and fill up the visible space with the left over soil.

Follow the steps below for sowing Shami plant:

  • Make sure to soak the shami plant seeds for atleast 12 hours for healthy sprouting.
  • Scrape out the outer layer carefully.
  • Bury it in soil and mix it well.
  • Place the pot in direct sunlight to ensure faster growth.

Shami plant requires indirect sunlight for perfect growth. Keep the plant in a shade with temperature ranging from 9 degree Celsius to 20 degree Celsius. Once it gets sprouted, you can place it in a warm location.

Benefits of Shami plant for home

Health benefits

Keeping a Shami plant for home tends to have benefits in diseases such as bronchitis, asthma and other lung diseases. Due to the rising pollution, it has become absolutely essential to protect oneself from the harmful effects and disastrous impact of the air. Shami plant in totality has number of medicinal uses that helps to make you healthy, fit and remove any ailments from your body.

Cooking ingredient

The ayurvedic properties and medicinal benefits make the shami plant ideal for using in cooking for different cuisines and dishes. It is mainly used in preparing traditional recipes. As the temperature of the kitchen is high, it is good for the growth of the Shami plant. You can also grow a shami plant in your home’s vegetable garden for making the most utilization of this ayurvedic herb.

Environmental friendly

It is known to have a plethora of benefits of keeping in an indoor space. It purifies the air indoor and controls the humidity, making the atmosphere peaceful and calming. You can feel the purity in the air when a shami plant is kept at home.

shami plant for home benefits

Psychological benefits

The beauty of this plant is such that it can be kept in any area, be it a living room, bedroom, or balcony. It helps to purify the air that is coming inside the house as well as breaks the noise coming from outside leading to a peaceful ambiance. It impacts the mental health as well and helps to calm the nerves and erase tension from the body.

Spiritual benefits

It has its origin in the Hindu mythology and is known to bring good fortune and harmony to the house. As per ancient Indian texts, this tree was worshipped by God Rama, and hence is considered truly auspicious and sacred tree aimed for spiritual growth and advancement. It can also help you protect from the negativity and thus infuse a flow of positive energy into your home.

Also Read: Beautiful Table Plants for Home Decoration

shami plant advantages

Right placement for Shami plant as per Vastu Shastra

As per Vastu experts, if your horoscope is in the influence of Saturn or Shani, then it is required to place Shami plant at home to remove the effects of these planetary positions.

  • The most suitable location to place Shami plant is in the northeast direction of your house.
  • The right location to place the shami plant is just on the house entrance.
  • The right vastu direction for shami plant is towards the south.
  • Planting the tree on Saturday is considered auspicious.
  • By lighting a diya or a candle, you can increase the spiritual benefits of the plant.
  • It is best suited for windows, balconies and other open locations of the house with good sunlight and proper ventilation.

Also Read: Tulsi Plant for Home as per Vastu Shastra

Shami plant for home has significant benefits such as improving health, increasing positivity and maintaining harmony. It has therapeutic advantages as well and is known to be a stress buster and continue a flow of positive energy in the house. It has proven to cure health conditions like respiratory tract infections, mental disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, and many other ailments.

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