Science and Tech

Next Generation Propulsion System: Pale Blue Successfully Operates its Water-Based Propulsion System


Pale Blue is an innovative company in space propulsion Systems. It is a Japan-based company that wanted to achieve sustainable space development.

The company recently successfully launched its water-based propulsion system. Which is the safest and most eco-friendly propulsion system.

Pale Blue Successfully Launched its Water Propulsion System into the Space


Pale Blue Water Propulsion system

It successfully launched a water jet propulsion system into space. 

The water jet propulsion system is a cost-effective and simplistic technique to be used in space. 

The first water propulsion system was launched with Sony’s EYE satellites. Sony EYE satellites are part of its STAR SPHERE program to take pictures of the earth.



The  water jet propulsion system successfully adjusts the Sony EYE satellites within the lower earth orbit.

Different Types of Pale Blue Satellites Propulsion System

PALE BLUE: Ion Thruster

Pale Blue has a few types of water-based propulsion system

One which launched with Sony EYE’s satellite is known as “resistojet”.

Resistojet Specifications –

  • Resistojet pushes the water out of the tube in proportion to the angle to push the satellite, where it wants to go.
  • Resistojet holds the water at relatively low pressure and allows it to vaporize at low temperatures.

They are working on different types of water-based thrusters known as water-based propulsion systems. The water is atomized via a microwave plasma source and ejected out of the propulsion system. 

The company is planning something more ambitious, it is actually combining two thrusters together and making a single hybrid thruster- one is water propulsion and the other is ion propulsion.

In this hybrid system water propulsion provides strong thrust and impulse provided by the ion thrust system.

But the hybrid thrust system has a long way to go to test in the orbit.

Pale Blue company is innovative in the field of satellite propulsion systems, due to its eco-friendly and cost-effective approach. 

Also Read: NASA’s Perseverance Rover Collected First Sample on Mars

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