
Menstrual Cups Beat Pads: Affordable, Eco-Friendly, Comfortable, and High-Flow Capacity

Menstrual Cup

What is Menstrual Cup?

A menstrual cup is a reusable, bell-shaped device made of medical-grade silicone, latex, or rubber. It is used by people who menstruate to collect menstrual fluid instead of absorbing it like tampons or pads. Menstrual cups are inserted into the vagina and can be emptied, washed, and reused throughout a menstrual cycle. They are an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to disposable menstrual products.

Why use Menstrual Cup?

There are several reasons why some people choose to use a menstrual cup:

  • Eco-Friendly: It reusable and can last for many years with proper care. This reduces the amount of disposable menstrual products (like pads and tampons) that end up in landfills, making them a more environmentally friendly choice.

Menstrual Cup

  • Cost-Effective: While the initial cost of it is higher than disposable products, its long lifespan means you’ll save money in the long run by not having to continuously purchase pads or tampons.
  • Less Waste: By using it, you generate less waste overall. This includes the reduction of packaging waste from disposable products and the elimination of used menstrual product disposal.
  • Convenience: It can be worn for up to 8-10 hours, which is longer than most disposable products. This means fewer trips to the restroom for changes, making them convenient for busy lifestyles.
  • Less Odor: Because menstrual cups are made of medical-grade silicone or similar materials, they don’t emit the same odor as disposable products, which can be a concern for some people.
  • Reduced Risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS): While TSS is rare, it’s associated with high-absorbency tampons. It poses a lower risk because they don’t absorb menstrual fluid but collect it.
  • Fewer Leaks: When inserted correctly, menstrual cups create a seal, reducing the chances of leaks compared to some other menstrual products.
  • Comfort: Many users find menstrual cups more comfortable than tampons or pads once they get used to them. They don’t have the same “full” feeling, and some people forget they’re even wearing one.
  • Available in Different Sizes: It come in various sizes and shapes to accommodate different bodies and flow levels, providing a personalized fit.
  • Long-Lasting: With proper care, a menstrual cup can last for years, making it a durable and cost-effective option for managing menstruation.

How to use menstrual Cup

Using a menstrual cup may seem intimidating at first, but with practice, it becomes more comfortable. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to use a menstrual cup:

Menstrual Cup

  1. Wash Your Hands: Start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water to ensure cleanliness.
  2. Fold the Cup: There are various folding techniques, but one of the most common is the “C-fold” or “U-fold.” To do this: Press the sides of the cup together to form a U shape.
    This makes the cup smaller for easier insertion.
  3. Find a Comfortable Position: You can sit on the toilet, squat, or stand with one leg elevated (e.g., on the edge of the bathtub). Find a position that feels comfortable for you.
  4. Insert the Cup: Hold the folded cup with one hand and gently separate your labia with your other hand. Insert the cup into your vagina, aiming it toward your tailbone, not upward. Ensure it goes past the vaginal opening.
  5. Release and Let It Pop Open: Once the cup is inside, release your grip and let it open. You may need to rotate it slightly or wiggle it to ensure it’s fully expanded. You’ll know it’s in place when it creates a seal and doesn’t move easily.
  6. Check for a Proper Seal: Run your finger around the base of the cup to make sure it’s fully unfolded and sealed against the vaginal wall. A proper seal prevents leaks.
  7. Wear for Up to 8-10 Hours: It can be worn for up to 8-10 hours, depending on your flow. It’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for usage.
  8. Removal: To remove the cup, wash your hands thoroughly, then:
    Relax your muscles.
    • Use your thumb and forefinger to pinch the base of the cup gently. This breaks the seal.
    • Slowly pull the cup out, keeping it upright to avoid spills.
    • Empty the contents into the toilet.
  9. Clean and Reinsert: After emptying, rinse the cup with cold water and wash it with mild, unscented soap. Make sure it’s completely clean before reinserting.
  10. End of Cycle: At the end of your menstrual cycle, sterilize the cup by boiling it in water for a few minutes. Store it in a breathable pouch or container until your next period.

Myths and Facts About Menstrual Cups

  • Menstrual cups are a good alternative to pads and tampons for managing menstrual flow.
  • There are common myths and misconceptions about menstrual cups that can deter people from using them.

Menstrual Cup

  • Expert advice can help address these concerns and provide accurate information about it.
  • Menstruation is a natural process that occurs monthly in women and teenagers, involving the shedding of the uterine lining and bleeding.
  • Periods can bring various discomforts like cramps, back pain, bloating, and mood swings.
  • Changing pads frequently and worrying about leaks can add to the challenges of managing periods.
  • It is offering a way to reduce the stress of frequent pad changes and concerns about leakage.

A menstrual cup is a small flexible cup made of medical grade silicone that you insert into your vagina. You can use this cup for 8-10 hours without removing it. The special thing about this cup is that you can wash it and use it again. Unlike pads or tampons, it does not have to be changed frequently. But before using it, it is important to have complete information about it.

Therefore, to know about the myths and facts related to it

Myth-1: Using menstrual cup causes loss of virginity?

Fact- No. Virginity means whether you have had sex with someone or not. Virginity has nothing to do with menstrual cups. However, if you use it, it is possible that the hymen may break. Breaking the hymen does not mean losing virginity.

Myth-2: Do menstrual cups stretch the vagina?

Fact- It is not so at all. If you are using the correct size cup, the menstrual cup will remain at the bottom of your vagina. It is a soft cup, which does not stretch your vagina.

Myth-3 Everyone has the same size menstrual cup?

Fact- This is also a myth. Every vagina is a different size and it come in different sizes. Small, medium, large. Try using a smaller size in the beginning. Within a month you will get an idea of your correct size. However, women who have had a vaginal i.e., normal delivery may have to use a larger size cup.

Myth-4: Can’t sleep at night wearing a menstrual cup?

Fact- There is no problem in sleeping while wearing a it, rather one advantage of menstrual cup is that the possibility of leakage is very less even during heavy flow. The blood will collect inside the cup, and you can later remove the cup and empty it.

Myth-5 Is it painful to put in a menstrual cup?

Fact- Many people feel that there may be pain while applying it. However, many people do not feel pain when inserting a menstrual cup. However, using a menstrual cup also requires good practice to avoid pain.

Are menstrual cups better than pads?

There are several reasons:

Menstrual Cup

Reason 1: Menstrual cups are more affordable than pads.

Menstrual cups are cost-effective, lasting up to 10 years, while pads can cost up to Rs. 50,000 for a decade. Additionally, Asan, a social enterprise, donates cups to those in need, making a meaningful impact.

Reason 2: Menstrual cups are much more eco-friendly than pads.

Menstrual cups are incredibly eco-friendly, unlike the 12.3 billion non-biodegradable sanitary pads that end up in Indian landfills annually. A single Asan cup replaces 2,500 tampons or pads, making it the most sustainable period product, benefiting both your wallet and the planet.

Reason 3: Menstrual cups are more comfortable than pads.

Menstrual cups offer greater comfort compared to pads, which can cause rashes, itching, wetness, and discomfort. Cups, worn internally, are virtually unnoticeable and eliminate odor since menstrual flow is contained inside the body, keeping you dry and comfortable throughout your period.

Reason 4: Menstrual cups can hold up to 3 times more flow than a pad.

Menstrual cups, like the Asan cup, can hold up to 3 times more period flow (25-30ml) than pads, offering a significant advantage for heavy bleeders. They can be worn safely for up to 12 hours, reducing the need for frequent bathroom trips and providing uninterrupted sleep.

To sum it up, menstrual cups are a great choice. They are eco-friendly, comfortable, and cost-effective. By using them, you can save money, reduce waste, and have a more comfortable period. Don’t be scared of myths; give them a try and make a positive impact on your life and the environment.

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