
How To Unlink Facebook Account From Instagram In 2021

How To Unlink Facebook Account From Instagram In 2021

In this article, we are going to talk about how to unlink a Facebook account from your Instagram account. It also includes that what consequences you’ll have when you do that.

Linking your Facebook and Instagram accounts serves you well in cross-post, posting the same stories on both platforms and finding friends. It works remarkably when used for social media presence or marketing purposes for a company. If you unlink Facebook from Instagram accidentally, all is gone.

But if you want to separate social profiles due to some privacy concerns or for fun, here is the process.

What happens when you unlink Facebook Account from Instagram

Unlink Facebook Account From Instagram


If you have made your mind to separate Facebook from Instagram, there are a few things to know. Read below about the changes in your account before you do that.

  1. If you de-link both the apps, you will no longer be able to get “friend” or “follow” suggestions from the friend list of different accounts.
  2. It also stops cross-account logins, which means you have to sign in from both Instagram and Facebook apps. It won’t sign in automatically on Instagram if you sign in on Facebook.
  3. You won’t be able to post automatically on both apps anymore. You have to do this separately on each platform. However, it didn’t affect auto shared posts that you shared before unlinking them.
  4. Once you unlink your Facebook and Instagram, it will remove the Facebook Messenger integration from Instagram. It means you cannot take advantage of cross-app communication anymore

Also Read: How To Schedule Instagram Posts From Professional or Personal Account

How To Unlink Facebook Account From Instagram

You can only unlink them from your Instagram app. Facebook does not provide this function in their app.

Unlink Facebook Account From Instagram


  1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone and tap on the profile tab.
  2. Click on the three bars given at the top right in the corner and select the “Settings” option.
  3. Then Toggle on “Accounts Center”
  4. Now Click on “Accounts & Profile”
  5. Select the account you want to remove

    Unlink Facebook Account From Instagram


  6. Toggle on “Remove from Accounts Center”
  7. Then a confirmation message pops up on your screen. Click on “Continue”
  8. Now Tap on “Remove”

    Unlink Facebook Account From Instagram


This process will unlink your Facebook account from Instagram.

Also Read: How To Hide Likes On Your Instagram Posts 2021?

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