Health and Fitness

How To Prevent From Zika Virus: Signs And Prevention Methods

How To Prevent From Zika Virus: Signs And Prevention Methods

Zika virus is becoming a major concern for India after Covid-19 as Kerala and Maharashtra have been reportedly getting new cases. It’s more dangerous for newborns as it causes life-long disabilities. Therefore, pregnant women should know how to prevent from zika virus as they are at higher risk than others.

What Is Zika Virus And How It Is Transmitted?

zika born babies


The virus was first discovered in Uganda in the year 1947. However, it was only limited to monkeys then but gradually it started affecting humans. The first outbreak was witnessed in the African countries in 1952.

Since then, a total of 86 countries including India have evidence of Zika infection. It is mainly caused by a specific species of mosquito known as Aedes aegypti that also causes chikungunya. Dengue and yellow fever are two more diseases caused by Aedes.

Signs And Complications Of Zika Virus

signs of zika virus


Unlike other diseases that show serious and particular symptoms, Zika cannot be detected until diagnosis. However, few symptoms may indicate that the person might be infected. These are as follows:

1. Mild fever
2. Red eyes
3. Pain in muscles and joints
4. Headache
5. Rashes on the body

All these signs of the Zika virus persist for not more than a week and an infected person has to undergo an incubation period of 14 days to prevent the spread. These symptoms may not seem life-threatening but they cause neurological disorders in newborns.

Zika-infected babies usually have different head size and they gradually develop poor motor skills, hearing and vision loss, sleeping and walking disabilities. Some of them even struggle with breathing and may need life-long care.

Therefore, pregant ladies should be extra careful and follow preventive steps as mentioned below.

Transmission Of Zika Virus

how to prevent zika virus


Zika Virus is non-contagious but it can be transmitted from one to another person in 3 ways:

1. Via mosquito bite
2. Infected mother to baby
3. Infected partner during sexual intercourse
4. Organ transplantation
5. Blood transfusion

Diagnosis is the only way to identify the presence of a virus in an infected person’s body. Pregnant women are especially advised not to travel in Zika affected areas. They should also get proper medical care.

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How To Prevent From Zika Virus?

how to prevent zika virus


Prevention of Zika virus is very simple and one can easily protect themselves and their family from getting infected. These simple preventive measures will keep you safe:

1. Use mosquito-repellent with active ingredients such as 2-undecanone, IR3535, picaridin, and lemon oil to limit exposure to Aedes mosquitoes. Do not apply repellant to toddlers and newborn babies.
2. Do not travel to Zika affected countries
3. Always wear full sleeves clothes preferably of light colors
4. Make sure there is proper ventilation and doors and windows are properly covered
5. Use appropriate protection during sexual activities
6. Couples who are trying to become parents should avoid either traveling to Zika areas or should wait for around 6-8 months post-visit.
7. Keep your surroundings clean to avoid attracting mosquitoes.
8. Use insecticides

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Although death is uncommon in case you get infected, prevention is still necessary as there is no vaccine or permanent treatment of zika virus.

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