
Coldwaves : Top Tips To Beat Harsh Winters And Stay Healthy as Mercury Drops


India has been reeling under extremely coldwave conditions as daytime temperatures drop to 15 degrees, with little sunlight to bring relief. Extreme colds can lower immunity and aggravate conditions like hypertension and respiratory issues such as asthma and COPD. It also adds to the troubles of arthritis patients as they may experience more pain, and swelling.

Apart from preventing exposure to cold, nourishing your body to fight the cold wave conditions is also important. From hydrating yourself to eating a balanced diet, the right dietary habits can help boost immunity and safeguard overall well-being. and stiffness in cold temperatures.

Tips To Beat The Coldwave

These are the steps to protect yourself from the January cold.


1. Dress in layers

Begin with a dampness-wicking base layer to get sweat far from your skin. To keep body heat trapped and retained, add an insulating layer. To protect against harsh weather, use an outer layer that is windproof and waterproof.

2. Protect your extremities

Wear a warm cap to keep heat misfortune from your head, which is a critical wellspring of body heat scattering. To protect your hands from the biting coldwave, make an investment in high-quality gloves or mittens with insulation and waterproofing. Keep your feet warm and dry with protected, waterproof boots and thick socks.

3. Stay dry


Wet clothing can accelerate heat loss. Ensure your outer layer is not only warm but also waterproof to keep you dry in snow or rain. Change into dry clothes if you get wet, as dampness can significantly decrease your body temperature.

4. Limit exposure

Minimize the time spent outdoors during severe coldwave snaps. Schedule outdoor activities during the warmest parts of the day and take breaks indoors to prevent prolonged exposure.

5. Travel safely

If travel is necessary, inform someone of your plans and expected arrival time. Keep your vehicle in good condition and equip it with an emergency kit containing items such as blankets, food, water, and a flashlight.

In extreme coldwave, prioritizing safety and taking proactive measures can make a significant difference in preventing cold-related illnesses and injuries.

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