
The government should make some AI rules says: Google

Google: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the next huge thing, which is partially useful and partially scary. It’s like machines learning human behavior to predict the needs is something that has potential conclusions on the belief of privacy and security.

It is something like predicting the requirements to know human behavior by being machines that have potential implications for concepts of privacy and security.

Pinpointing these concerns, recently, Google has released a white paper, highlighting five areas where the government can work along with civil society and Artificial Intelligence (AI) practitioners to provide guidance on responsible AI development and use.

These areas involve standards of explainability, fairness judgment, safety considerations, human-AI collaboration, and liability frameworks.

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AI is still in its imperfect stage and there are a number of drawbacks which needs to be fixed before the technology is released to the masses.

One of the best search engines believes that not one company, country, or community has all the answers and it’s important for all the stakeholders worldwide to engage in AI governance.

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